i went snooping around his alligator pit and got bit in my whole ass!

you ever met a dude that you were SURE wanted you,
but his social media said otherwise?
those mystery males who leave you wondering where their sexuality lies.
you thought he was flirting with you in real life,

but his timeline reveals he has been in relationships with vixens before?

Do you ever feel stupid af?

i woke up today with the sudden urge to hit the alligator pit.
my spirit wanted answers about something.
we might need to make a new phrase in the foxhole…

Continue reading “i went snooping around his alligator pit and got bit in my whole ass!”

the inconsistent inconsistency of dudes these days

i need consistency to bloom.
it’s something i crave.
it turns me on when a wolf that’s into me is consistent.
i’m meeting way too many males who are strange af.
how are we doing it folks?
you meet a dude,
either in real life or online

Continue reading “the inconsistent inconsistency of dudes these days”

it’s time to vote! it’s time to pray! (for trump? 2020?)

if i had to suffer,
everyone else will suffer too.
so my friends are mad at me for a text i sent them.
this is what its like to be friends on text messages with jamari fox.
so i was on my twitter timeline today,
minding my business,
and i saw everyone dragging the following.
it was a group of dorks who might parlay as a taylor swift cover band.
they wanted to welcome trump for his tone deaf rally in tulsa, oklahoma…

Continue reading “it’s time to vote! it’s time to pray! (for trump? 2020?)”

“oh heeeeyyyyyyy! you aren’t in my algorithms so i didn’t see you!”

“Social media isn’t real.”

that was the words from one of my good friends,
yha mourhia wright.
she has been on my podcast before and we have gotten really close during this lock down.

Can I be honest with the foxhole with something?
No matter if it sounds silly…

so today,
on my personal ig,
i threw up this pic for my family and “friends”

Continue reading ““oh heeeeyyyyyyy! you aren’t in my algorithms so i didn’t see you!””

i just wanted to do hoodrat shit with my friends (96)

a majority of the karens all over the forests have been acting like ghetto filth.
this lock down has been stressing them tf out.
being at home with their husbands all day has been absolute hell.
not to mention the kids!
she only saw them a couple hours a day,
but they’re everywhere now.
mama can’t enjoy her bottle of asti spumante in peace.
this karen thought it was in her best interest to cough on someone in public
Continue reading “i just wanted to do hoodrat shit with my friends (96)”

i’ve been giving bad head

so i’m a cancer sun,
my moon sign is in virgo,
and i’m an aquarius rising.
that leads for some fun stuff up inside me:

cancer moon – emotional
virgo sun – critical of self
aquarius rising – detached; i come off chill and together

with all of that definitely comes with struggle.
i don’t know if anyone has been feeling this way but…

Continue reading “i’ve been giving bad head”