Tag: reality tv
yay! more fighting on reality tv! we haven’t seen that before!

when trash reality tv first dropped in the mid 00s,
fighting was the main draw on shows like bad girls club.
it was fascinating to see “real life people” doing this on tv.
when trash reality tv gave randoms storylines with lhhatl in 2011,
we tuned in because “such and such” had beef and by reunion time,
we just knew that they were gonna get “tah” boxing.
we have seen fighting over and over and over and over and…
you get the idea.
so when natalie nunn and joseline decided to act like feral animals on “something”…
Rarri True Wants To Entertain You At Night, But Once A Week
it’s bad when you gotta turn your ig comments all the way off…
and this is on every post…
so rarri true,
or ferrari,
might be taking his show on the road.
where exactly?
“love and hiphop: atlanta”.
this is what tmz has to report…
Continue reading “Rarri True Wants To Entertain You At Night, But Once A Week” →
I Got More Where That Came From (IDGAF)
“well you should at least be somewhat over it by now.”
say the fuck what?
when i say i cussed my “friend” the fuck out last night?
all while listening to “take me to the king” on repeat.
he had to hang up the phone on me.
i called back and it went to voice mail.
Continue reading “I Got More Where That Came From (IDGAF)” →
Your Attiude Fucking Sucks Dude.
What if I told you that the reason you maybe alone is because your attitude has gone to shit?
Would you believe me?
Would you want to fight me?
Would you stop reading my site?
Or, would you actually do some self realization and listen?
I would hope you do the last one because you really don’t want none of this!
But seriously, they say our attitudes determine our latitudes.
Well if that is the case…
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