Tag: oswald cobblepot
it looks like they might have nabbed “oswald cobblepot” adams last night
Author: jamari fox Published Date: September 26, 2024

Eric Adams might just be the most hated hyena in New Yawk right now.
once a cop with a rep for being tough on crime,
it looks like he traded in his badge to allegedly dabble in it instead.
ever since he slid into that mayoral seat,
promising to bring his swagger to the table,
the quality of life in new yawk took a nosedive.
the cost?
Let’s just font hell would be cheaper.
last night,
whispers echoed loudly through the concrete forest…
so the penguin violated me tonight
Author: jamari fox Published Date: September 26, 2018
inconsiderate jackals really burn my biscuits.
did the parents teach them any manners?
so the penguin clearly lives in new yawk.
after his life of crime,
he is “one of us” now.
i’m sure.
so i’m standing on the train by the door,
minding my business,
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