I Hear The “House Nigger Mac N’ Cheese” Is Deeeeeelicious!

tumblr_lo98wfTkz71qjs5j1o1_500paula deen has lost some fans.
i was done with this cow when she said her family owned slaves.
said it like she was talking about the first nintendo.
i was also done with her when i went into the sto’
and she had a chapstick made of butter.
um……. what?
i was waiting for ya’ll to catch up.
i know her pr people are working overtime to clean up her recent issues.
is this why she pulled out from the today show?…

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I Think You Need Some Coffee Because You Look Tired Boo.

i needed to watch this.
won’t lie,
woke up feeling a little defeated.
things are moving slow.
slow and shaky.
life is not being fair.
in between the tears,
i still believe.
i believe something better is out there for me.
this can’t be “it”.
all the bad treatment and the hurt…
was that for nothing?
was i given this talent to write for it to be nowhere?
was i put here on earth to suffer?
there are so many other people who are suffering.
so many people who are living in hell and have everything.
it’s not me.
i don’t think so.
but it’s my mind that will keep me contained.
keep me stagnant.
you’re not good enough.”
you will never make it.
you will never get a job.
“you will be doomed.
it’s that voice.
that is what makes you “not make it”.

i came across these video and it was like coffee for a tired soul..

Continue reading “I Think You Need Some Coffee Because You Look Tired Boo.”

You Failed On This Block, But Success Is Around The Corner.

God told me to post this because someone needed to read it.
Welp, here is the message for that person…

Continue reading “You Failed On This Block, But Success Is Around The Corner.”

The Great D/L Man Hunt


… words from almost every black woman I have met.

Foxes, Wolves, Female Foxes, and Vixens.
Time for Jamari to spit that knowledge…
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Foxy Lifestyle: Love Letter 2 Myself

I was cleaning out my closet past weekend…

(insert joke here)

… and I found a bunch of clothes I decided to give to the shelter.
Sidebar: There about to be some fly and flashy homeless people walking through the Concrete Forest.

Anyway, I found this letter I wrote to myself.
I went to this seminar with my friend and they told us to write a love letter… but to yourself.
I was a little skeptical, but I like to try anything once.
Oprah has quoted that she also did these little things that helped her achieve inner peace and happiness.
After we wrote it, we were to hide it and forget about it.

I know, crazy corny.
Well fuck you too.

Anyway, after I read it, I felt so good.
I wrote it in ’08 and I would like to share it with my Wolves and Foxes out there.


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Thought Cloud

Sometimes I wonder:

Why am I doing this?
Why am I writing this blog?

Where am I trying to go?
Am I wasting my time?

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