dylan o’brien backstrokes his way to the front of the line for gay fantasies

He looks better with a beard.

take that how you will.
so dylan o’ brien was the talk of the forests all weekend.
i was never a “teen wolf” kind of fox but that is where he started.
i do remember him being the love interest in a taylor swift video tho.

the reason he was the talk was about a new movie he is in called “twinless“.
it is about two males who end up in a relationship because…
they are twinless twins.
it wasn’t the “potential oscar buzz” (i kid) movie that was the font…

it was his gay sex scene in the movie…

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my confusion, jealousy, and sabotage broke up work wolf and i

one night,
while wolf wolf and I were in the streets,
we had a big blow up.
it ended with him asking me:

You jealous of her or something?”

i was.
i never really admitted how work wolf and i ended.
that conversation with karaoke triggered a lot of time to reflect.
my jealousy and spitefulness over him played a big part but…

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i’m gonna need our alien overlords to system reset this simulation

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we could hit reset?

not just a fresh start,
but a full-on simulation reboot?

imagine waking up in the year 2000

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america is about to be great any day now (anyyyyy day now)

So when exactly is America supposed to be great again?

it’s four days in and it’s looking more like a sequel to chaos than anything remotely “great”.
with our new president diving headfirst into his rollback agenda,
undoing policies left and right,
i can’t help but wonder

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beyonce gave some of us trauma today

Oh no!
Queen Bey has canceled her much-hyped announcement.

today was supposed to be the day beyonce broke the internet again.
instead of becoming a trend,
she did the unthinkable

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let’s be escorts this year!

“I found me a new pineapple this year.
Who knows how to handle this here.” – MC Lyte

i’ve decided that when it comes to me and dating this year,
i’m stepping it up.
i’m going to be a high-class escort.
you read right


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