God Sent Me Ariana Grande’s Album This Morning

Music Review-Ariana Grande.JPEG-0467cgod is so interesting to me.
so i was gonna write today about ariana grande’s album,
“yours truly”.

i was going to ask if her album was any good.
i was kinda iffy on downloading it,
but i wanted to.
this coming from the person who was iffy about britney.
i own all her albums.
i was even researching reviews and everything.
well why come when i woke up today,
i woke up to this:

I know you are a fan of good music and no this isn’t my mix tape or something like. I came across Ariana Grande album “truly yours”.  The girl that sings “The Way”  with Mac Miller This album is a good one. Figure I share. Feel better homie.

tumblr_ms7dulrb7p1sthnh6o2_400how good is that?
i sooooooooooo want to thank my f-bi for this!!!!
i really appreciate it and i’m listening now as i type this.
as soon as i prayed randomly last night,
some other things just “happened” as the night went on.
i guess god wanted to show me he is here.
well thank you for finally showing me.

lowkey: sounds pretty good with the first couple songs.
she reminds me of a young mariah circa “daydream”.

Dear Karma, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, Signed You.

Screen Shot 2013-08-27 at 12.11.30 AMdo you believe in karma?
that 5 letter word that works like the universe’s people court?
sure when people do bad things to us,
it always has a way of coming back to them.
i had an interesting talk with someone tonight about karma.
i don’t know about you,
but everyone who has done me wrong has paid for their sins.
i was bullied/picked on when i was a kid/teenager,
betrayed and back stabbed by so called friends,
and dealt with fake ass people in the working world.
 too many examples to name.
life isn’t about getting revenge for everyone who does you wrong.
all that going online or talking behind someone’s back shit is for cornballs.
either ima bust a chair upside your head or ima let it go.
i often choose the latter.
thing is we can talk about how people have received their karma,
but we never talk about how we received ours?
did i do something wrong to have no job,
lost my best friend,
and both my parents?
sure life could be a disaster,
and i have become so much stronger due to all the loss,
but am i taking the l for something i did way back when?
something i may have forgotten.
makes me think.
are the bad things you maybe going through now because of karma?
or in the “house of the lord” a test from god?
and if it is a test,
where the hell does satan come in at?
i couldn’t help but wonder…

Is it a test,
or have your evil ways caught up with us?

and are we honest enough to admit it?

Why Didn’t God Line Things Up For You?


that shut hannah up didn’t it?
i’m starting to think this show is a soap opera.
tyler perry finally has my attention.
i just got finished watching the last “haves and haves not“.
powerful episode.
spoilers below.

x watch here if you haven’t watched

my thoughts…

Continue reading “Why Didn’t God Line Things Up For You?”

In His Mess, There Was A Message.


jamari fox went to church today y’all.
i also didn’t blow up when i walked in the door.
that was a good sign.
star fox’s mother called and asked i wanted to come to church with them.
i was a little hesitant,
but i said, “why not?”.
i wore:

white dress shirt,
grey slacks,
black loafers/no socks,
and aviator sun glasses,

i looked good for being on a strict budget.
the topic for church,
as well as what i found myself in after,
showed me how god works in mysterious ways in my life.
god always has a message for me when i least expect it…

Continue reading “In His Mess, There Was A Message.”

I Tried To Ignore The Fact His Crotch Smelled Like Sanitation.

-1well look what we have here.
another normal day in the sauna.
some meat getting glazed for the picking…
but i saw something on tumblr and i had to post,
especially with the summer time here and now…

Continue reading “I Tried To Ignore The Fact His Crotch Smelled Like Sanitation.”

Does Anyone Know Where My Knee Pads Went?

tumblr_lv8km5DGkc1qfm2v7o1_500god is interesting.
he really is, ain’t he?
i went to bed asking god:

“what do you want from me?
i do everything i’m suppose to do,
i have proven myself to be a good person.
what do you want from me?”

i seem to be in a season of destruction,
rather than a season of blessings.
the last year has been emotionally tough.
its like i’m a farmer and all my crops keep getting destroyed.
every time i think i’m going towards a new season,
i plant new seeds for fresh harvest.
i water them and just wait.
more bullshit.
no reign.
i woke up this morning and gave god thanks allowing me to see another day.
i usually go through my emails,
read the comments from the night before,
and check the news while in bed.
something inside told me to stop and go to spiritualinspiration.
i see this:

Continue reading “Does Anyone Know Where My Knee Pads Went?”