Tag: exotic paintings
lamonte (king) stennis isn’t gay or bi (he just lets ya’ll touch him for a price)
remember when lamonte aka king stennis was sexy af?
that was before he started sharing his thoughts on social media.
no cap,
i think that made him more popular tbh.
he is attractive and has a nice bawdy.
those two things alone will allow him to get away with many things.
since he does the paint n sips with “exotic paintings“,
and allows males to touch on his bawdy,
everyone wants him to be gay.
he took to his ig stories to let ya’ll know…
is lamonte stennis determined to turn off his main fan base?
out of all the attentionistos,
lamonte stennis of exotic paintings is one who disappointed me.
maybe it was his muscular ass thighs that hypnotized me?
he decided to be really obnoxious about his trump supporting.
we have to accept others will have different views than us,
but when you say things that are a literal turn off?
a foxholer sent me what he posted and i’m thinking to myself…
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k. burgundy claims all the paint ‘n’ sip males are allegedly dl and smash for payment?
k. burgundy,
the ( x best cheeks ) in the “paint ‘n’ sip” attentionisto game.
lemme ask the foxhole a question:
Would you be shocked to find out the Exotic Paintings crew would entertain sexual favors by males for money?
i wouldn’t be shocked tbh.
it would be kinda hot too.
i don’t know if this was a vixen asking k. burgundy this in his dms or…
why is lamonte stennis trying his hardest to turn us off? (geez louise)
does he hate us?
as much as i can fall into lust,
i can fall right the fuck out.
lamonte stennis aka king stennis,
of the naked sip and paints fame,
was fine af to me.
i’ve seen him in person and he definitely looks better in motion.
as much as his thick ass thighs are his best feature,
his rabid trump supporting ways aren’t.
it isn’t that he supports trump that is the turn off.
you can support whoever you like.
it’s this shit…
Continue reading “why is lamonte stennis trying his hardest to turn us off? (geez louise)” →
another one leaves the “exotic paintings” christian mingle
so another one bites the dust.
drevon odoms
(that’s his name, right?)
isn’t doing “exotic paintings” any more.
as you know,
he was one of the stars of the sip and paints with lamonte.
this is what he had to say on ig…
Continue reading “another one leaves the “exotic paintings” christian mingle” →
can you believe what someone fonted about the “exotic paintings” crew?

*the following entry is all “alleged”.
*it has some adult material deep inside too
so as you know,
the foxhole discusses everything.
i get a lot of stuff sent to me,
and even tho it’s all “alleged“,
it’s still something to font about.
the following is what a foxholer sent to me today.
it was about everyone within the “exotic paintings” crew.
jeff cutts was thrown in as well.
the following was posted on “lpsg” by poster,
shoutout to the kind folks over at lpsg.
doing the Lord’s work.
so this is what that poster had to font…
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