where are the strings attached in getting this 18k?

is it this easy to get 18k?
there are some people who won’t see heaven.

i guess it’s whatever religious story you believe in.
i like to think when your paws are dirty,
you will reap what you sew.
remember ( x this entry )?
i legit thought someone was trying to bless me.
in my religious story,
i thought God was about to make me an example.

“I was struggling but Gawd,
my glorious Gawd,
sent an angel to come through with a random blessing!”

i got led on but then i saw what they posted on their stories

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if you can, don’t let being emo make you miss an important call

my friends always come through for me.
i’m super emotionally connected to those in my life.

Sometimes to those who aren’t in my life any longer too.

i’ve been going through it tbh.
this is not my season.
things are rough right now and trying to keep my head above water.
i was in deep thought while eating chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
one of my favorite twitch streamers was venting over his mother’s cancer.
it made me feel like i’m not the only one dealing with nonsense.
as i was into this whole thing,
my phone rang and i saw it was diva.
i let it ring because i didn’t feel like talking.
she called right after and i figured it must be really important…

Continue reading “if you can, don’t let being emo make you miss an important call”

so kevin mccall allegedly selling his meat for cashapp?

^better times for kevin mccall?
i don’t know whats up with kevin,
but he has been so “off”.
this is the same one who brought us the greatness that was “dueces” by chris brown.
these days,
he has been in more scandals that we can count.
well it seems like he is allegedly selling his pipe leakage at the end of 2019.
you’ll never guess for how much…

Continue reading “so kevin mccall allegedly selling his meat for cashapp?”

in need of a new macbook pro (help required)

one thing about me,
i’m very independent.
i always feel awkward asking for help.
i’m learning that…

It doesn’t hurt to ask

you could get a “no” or receive a tremendous blessing.
so i’m gonna ask the foxhole for help tonight…

Continue reading “in need of a new macbook pro (help required)”

bulletin board: new cashapp

morning foxhole!
so i was having issues with my past cashapp app,
i couldn’t access it and there was some drama on the back end.
i decided to make a whole new one today…
Continue reading “bulletin board: new cashapp”