you know black folks are about to leave twitter once we see “monthly charge”

when i signed on twitter before 2020,
i would be hit with (breaking) news and other updates,
especially with new yawk.

Do you know how many times I’d go on Twitter to find out if the MTA was having issues when I was late for work?

it was one of my favorite social media platforms to scroll aimlessly on.
you go on twitter now and it’s a cesspool of filth.
if it’s not blatant hatred being allowed,
it’s everyone living out their wildest narc dreams.
elon has another brilliant idea from within his genius…

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they didn’t care about you like you thought they did


this has been a really interesting year for all of us.

the fact we made it close to the end of 221 says it was a good year.
even though a lot of shit went down for me,
i (and you) are about to finish out Q4 strong.
many of us ended friendships and situationships this year.
i won’t lie but it hurt my feelings to see how things ended with some,
but my biggest thought was:

“They hurt me and no one has hit me up to even talk about it.
It was so easy for them to bounce.
All those ‘I love you’ and ‘You are so dope’ meant nada?

but the reality of why they haven’t reached out is simple…

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trump says bye bye.

as for trump,
i don’t believe a single thing he has to say or font.
i guess we can believe his conceding statement from his twitter…

Continue reading “trump says bye bye.”

the rona is revealing the true nature of how folks feel about you

during loss,
folks tend to get very empathetic and “loving“.
if you noticed,
males you probably haven’t spoken to in a while are hitting you up.
when you’re at your lowest,
any attention can be heightened.
this is why some people end up fuckin low hanging fruit after a break up.
you’re vulnerable and in need of attention.
during “rona 2020“,
if you pay attention,
it can show where you stand with others…

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slide right to delete this group

i left.
this morning,
i hit “leave group” and didn’t look back.
folks was starting to move funny.
i’m not one to turn the blind eye because i’m “lonely”.
i get tf on.
people don’t truly know group etiquette anyway…

Continue reading “slide right to delete this group”

so “the walking dead” is pretty much a walker now, huh?

i have had a ton of complaints about “the walking dead”.
such a promising show that made so many mistakes.
i was “eh” on it when they killed carl off,
but when rick grimes left,
i was like “oh hell nah.
i said i’ll keep on watching to support this particular character.
well looks like they’re leaving too.
guess who is the next to peace sign
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