Tag: blocked
i got blocked for paying a compliment *shrug*
so i’m not gonna spend too much time on this,
but i want to point out the irony.
so remember how i fonted a recent entry about baggy large?
i know you’re going “who”?
i fonted an entry about him and his brother.
i really respected him for doing ( x this ).
i ended up getting blocked for it today.
a foxholer sent me this…
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Another Celeb Blocks The Foxhole (Le Sigh?)
so i was on twitter today and a commercial on bet strolled down my tl.
it was for a show called “in contempt”.
it looked interested and then i saw that christian keyes was in the show.
i have followed christian since i saw him in a tyler perry play.
i mean,
wolf is fine.
you’d be lying if he wasn’t.
i don’t think i’ve ever said anything bad about him,
but i was gonna tweet:
“it’s so good to see @christiankeyes with longevity in this fickle industry.”
something along those lines.
well his twitter kept not coming up when i tried to “@” him.
when i go to his twitter,
i see this…
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mi reminds me of porsha williams.
one of the reasons i can’t stand her on rhoa.
they get by on good looks and sob stories,
but underneath is a violent she-jackal who attacks on emotions.
too bad for mi that once the bridge is burned with me,
it’s pretty hard to cross back over.
at work today,
i was dealing with an important call when my phone started to ring.
no sooner did i decline the call,
it rang again.
it rung a third time.
okay wtf…
Tahj Mowry Gets Some Strange and Confusing Leakage…
so there is a lot going on with tahj mowry.
well something interesting,
it seems like he has gotten some alleged leakage.
so an alleged male…
uh huh…
sent in an alleged conversation to the blog,
“east coast renaissance”.
a vix-bi sent me the lead what was sent in…
lets go…
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f0xmail: My Ex Has Blocked Me On Everything! Help!
Oh my gosh Jamari
I’m literally going through this experience at school. I attend this HBCU and I have been dating him since school started, we broke up beginning of last week, and we were still “friends” and still cool, at least according to him. Then Thursday afternoon everything changed for some reason, he’s not talking to me anymore, I gave him 2 days to his self and I went out drinking, and I unfortunately fell victim to the drunk texting scandal, mainly because he was watching all of my snaps, so I sent him a snap. No response. Called him. No answer. A text. He read it 30 minutes after and didn’t reply, I leave the situation alone, the next day I text him to find out I’m on the block list… Well today, I see him in the café at school with his friends and they sit in my line of view purposefully I’m guessing, one of his friends knew about us and the other one didn’t, he is kind of in the closet still, and for some reason he finally decides to unfollow me on Instagram, now keep in mind it’s been like 4 days since he blocked me but yet he still watches everything I do on snapchat.i was there for him when he was depressed and having bad thoughts. And when he didn’t have any money I supported our relationship, buying him stuff, paying for our dates and food. I was even there when he thought he contracted hiv from an ex. I still love him even though he’s being a total ass. I’ve been having thoughts of popping up on his ass.
What do I do?
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From Behind Blocked Lines
after seeing how i was blocked by tyler lepley tonight,
you know what the funny part is…
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