so i watched kamala harris speech at the dnc and well…

This is such a beautiful shot.
It conveys a message the same way Obama’s run did.

Have you ever wondered why some people take so long to reveal their true selves?
why wait for the grand finale when the world’s been watching the whole time?

the ’24 DNC was one of those rare moments in history.
it was the kind we might never see again.
if you weren’t there or didn’t watch,
you seriously missed out.
kamala’s speech last night on the finale…

…finally showed me who she really is.
i was really into it because she finally showed up.
the entire DNC unveiled the version of her that’s been working behind the scenes all along.

So why didn’t she lead with that?
Why the long wait to show us this side?

even dl hughley went up there to apologize.

i’ll admit,
she used to come off as inauthentic.
all that past pandering made it hard to connect.
now i see the layers.
she’s the underdog and the underestimated.
the one who heard “no” more times than we can count.
the fire that her mother lit in her?
it’s still burning bright and it comes out during adversity.
she is tough and doesn’t back down,
which makes many males feel intimidated.

You know i love it when she is in that mode.

life has this funny way of timing things just right,
doesn’t it?

when she first ran for president,
it wasn’t her moment.
as she put it,
life has taken her on a journey.
a series of twists and turns that led her to this point.

This is what life is.
It’s what disappointment and rejection are all about.
You keep moving; you never stop.

i’ve got this feeling kamala might just be our next president.
she seems ready to shake things up,
has awakened the fire within many of us,
and ready to bring the change we’re all desperate for.
just maybe,
we’re on the brink of a much-needed reset.

Who’s ready?

lowkey: why do these people lie like we can’t SEE for ourselves?

it’s scary how they love to prey on those who choose to be willfully ignorant.
whoever put the video up next to him really set him up.

5 thoughts on “so i watched kamala harris speech at the dnc and well…

  1. I look forward to hearing some Jamari joy.

    Update on us on the good. Nk matter how small. I have been called out on minimizing my accomplishments and so want you to brag on yourself.

    Life is too short to wait until life is perfect. Never will be. You deserve the good fortune awaiting you.

  2. I agree with Chris. I also find it funny how people ask what has she done as VP but can anyone name something any other VP has done?

  3. I think Madam VP has always been authentic. I don’t think people took her serious until now. Alot of the things she said in her speech last night are things she has stood on and talked about before. I’m excited for her and looking forward to seeing what she will do.

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