so i watched a movie called “femme” and well…

I couldn’t help but wonder:
How far are you willing to go for revenge?

last night,
i watched a movie that blew me away.

there was an ad about it that peaked my interest.
when i watched,
it raised my anxiety in the best possible way.
even today,
i can’t stop thinking about it.
it’s called “femme“,
and it stars george mackay and nathan stewart-jarrett,
and the premise is something many of us Foxholers understand all too well

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your boss is loved by everyone, but they treat you like shit

you ever had a boss who everyone spoke highly of,
but they treated you like pure shit?
you almost felt like you were the crazy one.
it felt like a mind fuck.
they had so much power and influence over people that the responses would be:

she is so pleasant!”


is so cool.
Are you sure YOU didn’t do something?”

to add insult to injury,
they can use that influence to turn people against you.
they can lie and make you appear to be this horrible worker/person.
i get that impression when it comes to ellen and these allegations surrounding her.
as you know,
she is being accused of ( x creating a toxic work environment ).
this is what katy perry and kevin hart had to add…

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i’m getting better at saying goodbye (wonderland)

as much as disrespect can sting,
i still leave every situation in my finest hour.
even in a break up/ended relationship with a wolf.
sure i’ll vent about it,
and i’ll probably shade them for the rest of their life,
but i try not to be “that fox”.
the one who turns hyena or jackal after something ends.
so things ended at wonderland today and i handled it with…

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The Foxhole Is Officially Relocating to Wakanda

i cried when the damn theater turned black.
tears were legit rolling down my cheeks.
it took me a while,
but i was finally able to take a trip to wakanda.
“black panther” was my friday night.
i was an emotional mess within this movie.
we are too far ahead in my movie review.
let’s scale it back some…

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So I Finally Watched The “Queen Sugar” Season Finale and Well…

i love this.
one of my favorite casts.
the secrets we keep from those we love can ruin them.
from a real life perspective,
i don’t know how darla thought that secret would work out for her.
i’m talking about “queen sugar”.

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So I Watched The Season Finale To “Insecure” And…

so issa and molly just ended the season with a bucket of “fuck it”?
well i’m not mad.
i get it.
the show is called “insecure” after all.
a lot of us are out here dating/fucking/situation-ing insecurely.
others felt underwhelmed by the season finale,
but i loved it.
i guess everyone wanted a “revenge fuck” sex scene.
it was beautifully shot and had me in my feels.
so here is my quick thought
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