This entire Amanda Seales situation is so interesting to me.
strictly in my head,
amanda seales speaks to those who have been hurt and fed up by hurtful misconceptions.
she has a voice and is fully using it without any apology.
in black hollywood,
where many people have been ran over and stayed quiet,
it’s always interesting to see someone speaking up because we know how its gonna go.
many black folks don’t like it when you speak up against other black folks.
here is something i’ve learned throughout the years:
Some jackals in the black community expect to hurt you,
break you down,
and you are supposed to shut up and just take it.
They will try to fuck up your reputation and you’re not supposed to do anything about it.
if you’re a victim,
you’re turned into the villain or you’re soft.
if you speak out,
then you need to die or if you’re a black vixen,
you’re amanda seales.
you’re difficult,
hard to work with,
and a bitch.
in that sense,
you’ll be wrong in whatever reaction you give.
so we have to deal with racist white folks and opps within the black community.
my small issue with amanda seales is this…
She is ALWAYS going off on some shit that doesn’t need that much energy.
i could be wrong about this but that is what i’ve associated her with.
i will font that she is usually on point with her takes on various topics.
when she gets into some shit tho:

okay so she felt like issa didn’t have her back and didn’t return the same energy:
…and for someone who has been in that situation a few times,
it’s definitely fucked up but let’s be real:
After watching Amanda Seales,
knowing her personality and how outspoken she is,
are we to believe that she isn’t in the wrong somewhere in that situation too?

along with that:
I believe that she doesn’t realize how she may come off in certain moments.
Her reaction may cause a reaction in someone else (others).
i’m not fonting that amanda seales shouldn’t tell her story and speak her side.
like many of us,
she might just be a victim who wants to be heard.
she is fighting to clear up rumors that give her a bad reputation but always remember:
Some people,
many who we thought were our friends,
are going to assume the WORSE POSSIBLE THING ABOUT US.
They won’t protect us even if we showed them loyalty and genuine friendships.
Once you get into the Hollywood and even corporate circles,
forget it.
That is where the real (he)bitches come out.
in a nutshell,
amanda seales will always be a polarizing person.
check out her club shay shay interview in full:
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lowkey: i’m confused at this part…
I won’t gloss over the notion that when you’re the common denominator, it requires some stepping back and looking at your part. Whether big or small, you have to examine your part, so you can be solid when you stand on what you said. That said, it’s very easy for Joe and Keisha to join a chorus of ppl, based simply on their (and ppls) obsession w being a part of the group (think).
She is very direct, and seemingly hasn’t always applied the ‘Amanda, it’s not what you say, it’s HOW you say it’, eventho, at the end of the day, it’s HER having the nerve to say what she says that ppl don’t like. She is an educated ‘elitist’ (see: educated, so she thinks she knows everything) having the nerve to ‘shame’ ppl for not having passports. Meanwhile, when Tyrell sacrificed a new pair of J’s and got his passport and tweeted ‘yall sleepin…gotta leave the hood sometimes and get up on this passport life’, it was all ‘likes’ and retweets. We’ll just ignore the fact that unfortunately, thanks to social media, everyone, including the hood, gets to have an opinion now.
Not to mention, when your gripe is with beloved ppl/institutions, ppl are even more prone to assume you’re the problem. Loving ‘Insecure’ doesn’t mean Issa/her publicist (like most ppl in Hollywood) is some sweet, lady next door. Idk Issa from a can of paint, but I know everyday ppl have a hard time disassociating their favs’ personas from the idea that they’re ppl. Ppl have been saying Jlo is not nice for years, but of course none of her interviews cast her in that light!
Amanda reminds of Tamar Braxton.Always playing the victim,rarely if ever taking accountability for their actions.It’s possible Amanda’s former Insecure cast mates and others have an issue with her because she misrepresents the facts.
Years ago she implied that a Black surgeon did something sexually inappropriate to her.After he called her out she said he didn’t do anything to HER but he sexually harassed/assaulted other women.I started side eyeing her back then because she could have said he didn’t do anything to me when she first posted the story.
On the interview with Shannon he asked her when was she diagnosed on the autism spectrum.She asked what was the date,to imply that she was recently diagnosed days before the interview.She could have simply said I was never formally diagnosed but I think I have it after Googling it.
I know a person like her and I avoid him as much as possible because I don’t believe anything he says.I got tired of him lying or stretching the truth.Maybe that’s why Marsha from Floetry,The Talk producers,Insecure cast,and others avoid her.IDK
She’s a narcissist and plays victim at her choosing. If she is so strong, why does she need protecting and from who? She knew what kind of show Shannie has. she tried to flip it when she was asked a question rather than answer the question asked first