“so, anyway, i started blasting…”

I had to wonder:
Have you ever just had to curse God out real stink?

i woke up feeling on top of the forest,
with a perfectly curated plan for my week.

by evening,
life threw a curve ball straight to my gut.
i did what any rational but slightly unhinged new yawker would do

I let God have it for yet another disappointment(s) dropped at my feet.

this morning,
i woke up with tears of frustration.
in a forest that thrives on toxic positivity,
i refuse to sip that kool-aid or tell any of you to “just be happy.”

Life can be a relentless bitch.

…but it got me thinking:

Is my anger at God justified,
or is satan having a laugh at my expense?
Are these setbacks the universe’s cruel joke,
or are they just setups for something bigger?
Is this a miserable moment,
or a “this happened for a reason” plot twist?

i had to wonder

How do we tell the difference between God’s plan and satan’s torment?

3 thoughts on ““so, anyway, i started blasting…”

  1. Even Jesus lashed out at his Father, while hanging on the cross, “My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me!”
    It is quite normal and human to question, even lash out at God. Nothing wrong with it. Many in the Bible have done that, even His chosen ones.

    1. ^i use to be so scared to question God.
      i feel like God wants us to be honest with him about our circumstances.
      be as open and honest with him about how we feel.
      i’ve been more honest with God and i’m seeing his answers more.

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