kendrick lamar is…
words cannot describe.
he performed “blacker the berry”/”alright” off his amazing album,
“to pimp a butterfly”,
last night at the grammys.
we were all at attention and had all the whites in shock in the audience.
baller wolf for the redskins,
seemed to really enjoy the performance.
he is now up and awake.
this is what he posted on his instagram…
i guess everyone is waking up these days,
can rg3 really be “woke” when he goes home to a “becky”:
no seriously.
his wife is really named “becky”.
4real is that for irony?
well we shall see how long this lasts.
sometimes animals get all hype and get sleepy again.
lowkey: for those who missed kendrick at the grammys last night…
i often wonder to those who interracial date…
How do you explain the struggles of being black?
that must be interesting,
and uncomfortable,
picture credited: instagram
RG3 is now on his way to being a hotep nigga. I can see it now! Right now this is level one hotep nigga realness. This is a beginning.
Can I address something that might seem vain o rude? But goddamn what the hell is going on with Mulatto children? They are so UGLY now!!!! I’m sorry and God forgive me but damn.
I have some mulatto neices and nephews. They are not ugly but they are also not black. They are people–just not black people.
Dean..from one uncle to another….stay away from your nieces and nephews. You are going to fuck them up mentally.
What’s with using these outdated terms like Mulatto? This is 2016.Do you refer to Blacks or African Americans as Negroes or Colored.SMH
By the Way my question is for Lindo
Aj2fly, here are some relevant facts (the first two of which are quoted from what I stated above):
“On the other hand, we know that there is a tremendous amount of self-hating racism among African Americans whereby they hate black/African features-dark skin, broad noses, full lips and strong/nappy/tightly coiled hair. And because of that self-hating anti-black racism, they see is superior/preferred white/European features–pale skin, pointy noses, thin lips and stringy hair.”
“in the USA, we swim in racism/racist media all day, every day”
This is the conclusion supported by those facts “So, I cannot agree with your attitude “as long as they’re happy, good for them”. I say “As long as they are happy and not influenced by racism, good for them.” I reject racism in all its forms and permutations–even if it is disguised as “just love”. And I invite you to reject racism in all its forms and permutations.”
Further, if they are “born to white mothers/fathers” then they are not black. That “one-drop” theory/rule is itself racist:
What it means to be black
To accept the racist “one drop” theory is racist and accepts a central tenet white supremacy, which is blackness as a taint. “Black” is not a philosophy, a club or a way of life. “Black” is a race. “African American” is an ethnic group within the black race as is Haitian, Nigerian or Kenyan. Just as Irish or Irish American is an ethnic group within the white race as is Italian, French or German.
Nor is being black defined by skin color. The black race has the highest rate of albinos of any race. And yes, such albinos are fully black. On the other hand, this so called “one-drop” theory that says that if you are part black, then you are black is a bunch of bull. First, it was invented by the racist white slave-owner for the benefit of the racist white slave owner and not the slave. And I will not have my views dictated by dead racist white slave-owners. Second, it’s racist. It’s based on the theory that black blood is a taint so much so that it taints and spoils all the other blood that is there. And that as a taint, all must be thrown in the garbage that is the black. We’re not going to co-sign on a racist theory that sees us and our ancestors as the functional equivalent of garbage. (We are not garbage and neither are our ancestors!) If you co-sign on the racist one-drop theory, then you are co-signing on racism. Third, it has no basis in reality. It says foolishly “To get more oil, just add water.” (With the black heritage being the “oil” and the anything else being the “water”) That’s foolish. At some point, if you add water to oil, it becomes watery oil and later it becomes oily water. And if you add enough water to the oil, it becomes virtually indistinguishable from plain water and will be fit to drink. At some point if you add water to oil, it becomes unable to lubricate and stops functioning as oil.
Therefore, Pan-Africanist American-African writer, historian and professor John Henrik Clark wisely said “You cannot make a good African between the legs of a European woman.” Dr. Claud Anderson came to the same conclusion saying, “If I pour water into gasoline I didn’t make it any stronger, I made it weaker.” You cannot make more “oil” by simply adding “water”. To think that you can is foolish—and racist.
(Racism is the belief that one race is inferior or superior to another race. The “one-drop” theory with blacks as a taint, as garbage clearly fits into that racist scheme.)
Now, there are people who are sufficiently diluted of their black DNA that they are not black. No race of people is “pure” so having some other-than-black ancestry does not make you not black. Just like having some other-than-white ancestry does not make you not white. Certainly if your non-black DNA is equal to or equivalent to your black DNA, then you are not black. Furthermore, one’s race or ethnicity is not like a club. You either are or are not “born that way”. You can’t join it like a club. They are people—just not black people. They are humans—just not black humans. Such people include President Obama, Mariah Carey, David McIntosh, Boris Kodjoe, Shemar Moore, Halle Berry, Tiger Woods, Benjamin Jealous (former head of the NAACP who is 90% white by DNA), Melisa Harris-Perry, etc. (Halle Berry foolishly said that since she was black, her daughter is also black. Well, the fact is that Halle Berry is half-black so is biracial and that her daughter is born of a white man so is ¾ white! Such foolishness!) (And Tiger Woods is ¼ black and ½ Chinese! Yet some want to call him black! Correction: He’s mixed race!) Such people are mixed, mulatto or biracial. We oppose racism in all its forms and permutations (including the racist canard called the “one-drop” theory) and we ask you to oppose racism in all its forms and permutations too. When you know better, you do better.
I again ask you to oppose racism in all its forms and permutations–whether it’s disguised as “just love” or whether it’s in the form of the “one-drop” theory. Racism is racism.
I again ask you to oppose racism in all its forms and permutations–whether it’s disguised as “just love” or whether it’s in the form of the “one-drop” theory. Racism is racism.
Christian: Apparently you dislike my opposition to racism so you want to insult me. That’s stupid.
With regard to my nieces and nephews, as is my obligation as an elder, I constantly nurture and protect them and they have indicated appreciation of me.
I again ask you to oppose racism in all its forms and permutations–whether it’s disguised as “just love” or whether it’s in the form of the “one-drop” theory. Racism is racism.
Kendrick kills it everytime I love his album. I don’t know if you’re still keeping up with Being Mary Jane but in the season 3 finale she was dating a white guy and breaks things off with him. Something happened at work that to do with her being a black woman and as she’s trying to explain it to her white boo she gets frustrated he doesn’t get it. At that moment she calls it it quits with him stating she wants Black love she believes in it. She doesn’t want to have to expressed why as a black woman certain things irk her.
That can happen.I have had to deal with non-black men not being sensitive or empathetic to the racism encounter.I have also had to deal with black men not understanding or being sensitive to the sexism and misogyny I deal with almost daily.So I guess I should date black females.Problem solved.EXCEPT I’m not attracted to females
Whoever you date, there are going to be issues,struggles,etc IMO
Totally agree Y.Colette
Yes to all of this! Especially the last line.
You nailed this one Jamari. Imagine it took RG3 one performance by #KendrickLemar for him to realize he sold his soul to the conquerer? SMDH. BREAK HIS CHAIN. From who, from what? He is in chains, Until death do us part and then she gets his wealth. Thanks to people like RG3 the other side will always have power, the same power and chains Kendrick is asking us to break free! Give me a damn break, it’s nothing but pure emotion on his part. Kendrick just turned on the light bulb. He turned around and saw he was chained, forever. Emotions won’t get him unchained. It is loving his skin first and his culture second that will.
Thank you Jamari. Been wondering if you heard TPAB. I LOVE this album, one of the best that came out last year, like my president said. His performance was amazing, Washington Post said best of the night.
And yes some ppl, select dark-skinned women in particular, are mad that his love is light-skinned while he is very openly against colorism and encourages dark-skinned women (see complexion and explanation of poetic justice music video for examples). They call him a traitor (even though he’s been with Whit apparently since around high school days).
To Dean: If you feel that way then you are alienating not only a good amount of Black Hollywood, but many heroes in black history b/c they are/were mixed. While I understand and agree that there is too much self-hatred and racism that inspires interracial dating, speculation of the cause w/o evidence is unfair to that couple and very arrogant on our part. Who they fall in love with should not deter the positive message they have to send, but I’m realistic and I know that it does make it seem not 100%. But how can we say that just b/c you have black pride and love the black race you are not free to love the person who is best fit for you and maybe sent by God himself for you? So if Jamari ends up with a Latino wolf who treats him with all the love and respect meant for him, does that somehow diminish his pride in his race or his involvement in the struggle of black ppl?
Not trying to be combative just something I needed to say
Logically, nothing you wrote detracts from what I wrote. We are all entitiled to our own opinions. We are not entitled to our own facts. My opinions are supported by facts. Yours not so much.
And what “fact” are you claiming support your opinion that I’m trying to detract? That ppl will turn to Europeans b/c of their self-hatred? Acknowledged and even agreed. What I said is that without knowing if that is the cause, it is your opinion not a fact. It varies case by case, not every black person who is with a white person is experiencing self hatred or praising European features over their own. Or was it your example of Amiri Baraka? Would you like for me to provide you with examples of black leaders who were either married to white people or born to white mothers/fathers?
Or is it your mixed, mulatto, biracial and not black comment? History does not support your claim, neither does prejudice and racism. Shall I remind you that in this world, ppl are judged by looks and if you look black, most ppl will treat you black. These aren’t ppl pulling a rachel dolezal. Many do share in the struggles of the ppl whom you consider to be black, I say this b/c many African-Americans have white blood in their family history. So exactly which “fact” is supporting you that I am not entitled to? Please let me know so that I can realize and respond accordingly.
My fav line: “sometimes animals get all hype and get sleepy again”
can rg3 really be “woke” when he goes home to a “becky”? Possible but unlikely. Can Jamari Fox be elected President of the United States? Possible but unlikely.
I’m not sure that Harry Belafonte is a pro-black as you can get. In fact, I dispute that.
Love is love is love. That is a person of one ethnic/racial group can come to love a person of another ethic/racial group and that’s fine. On the other hand, we know that there is a tremendous amount of self-hating racism among African Americans whereby they hate black/African features-dark skin, broad noses, full lips and strong/nappy/tightly coiled hair. And because of that self-hating anti-black racism, they see is superior/preferred white/European features–pale skin, pointy noses, thin lips and stringy hair. For example, I don’t know whether or not Shaun T’s affection of his husband is influenced by this self-hating racism but I do reject racism in all its form and all its permutations. ( I do suspect that his affection of his husband is influenced by that racism because in the USA, we swim in racism/racist media all day, every day.) So, I cannot agree with your attitude “as long as they’re happy, good for them”. I say “As long as they are happy and not influenced by racism, good for them.” I reject racism in all its forms and permutations–even if it is disguised as “just love”. And I invite you to reject racism in all its forms and permutations.
Amiri Baraka left his white wife and mixed, biracial or mulatto children for the struggle.
If Kendrick Lamar’s girlfriend is mixed, then she’s mixed, mulatto or biracial and not black.
You said it yourself though, you don’t actually know if Shaun T’s affection for his husband is affected by this racism so why impose your own dispositions on his “love”? I don’t know either, so until I have any evidence to believe that that’s the case, then that’s just an opinion or view of their relationship and dynamic based off this systemic racism you stated. I’m not saying you’re wrong about the racism and that it does exist for sure, but how would you distinguish between “As long as they are happy and not influenced by racism, good for them.” vs the the ones influenced by racism unless you know for fact that’s the case? Do you just believe by default they are all influenced by this racism? Because if that’s the case, then you don’t really believe in: “As long as they are happy and not influenced by racism, good for them.”
which would make your true opinion a blanketed statement.
That part had me confused, and your whole argument strongly suggests that if you marry or so much as date interracially = you are self-hating. Is that what you’re saying?
I did not say for sure that it IS but that I suspect it to be: ( I do suspect that his affection of his husband is influenced by that racism because in the USA, we swim in racism/racist media all day, every day.) The fastest horse doesn’t always win the race, but that’s the horse to bet on. And the suspicion is well-founded.
Anti-black racism is a very strong current in this society–whether engaged in inter-racial dating or not. Witness the use of the N word by black. The embrace of “White Jesus” by blacks. The saying “I used a black (doctor/attorney/carpenter/etc.) but he/she wasn’t any good so I’ll never use another black one.” by blacks but if they use a white/Chinese/etc doctor/attorney/carpenter/etc. and are not satisfied, they go to the next white/Chinese/etc one. Witness the adoption of European standards of beauty by blacks. Witness the ongoing results of the doll experiments (originated by Kenneth and Mamie Clark). Etc.
Okay, so you don’t believe in your own statement: “As long as they are happy and not influenced by racism, good for them.” Based off what you’re saying, that doesn’t exist, or at the very least, you suspect that it doesn’t…
I can agree with most of your points, but I don’t necessarily agree that interracial dating or marriage=self-hatred or racism (at least not in it’s entirety). I’m not huge on promoting interracial relationships either, but I also don’t believe it’s my place to question someone else’s “blackness” (in this case, I mean the ethnic aspect of being African American) because they’re dating someone outside their race, and I don’t believe it’s internal racism ( again, in it’s entirety), I’m sorry, I’m not buying it.
The rest of what you’re saying has merit though so I don’t have contention with everything you’re saying, just that one point. I guess we’ll agree to disagree on that. I don’t consider mixed (with black) or bi-racial people black people, because they’re not. they’re mixed (with black) or bi-racial, doesn’t mean they don’t get a voice in SOME matters pertaining to black culture though. I prefer not to complicate that matter. I’m not particularly religious so I don’t care what Jesus anyone worships, so it’s not my argument to make. ( I thought Jesus was Jewish though?)
It’s true there is inherent racism in all societies, but I don’t think for everyone it’s always that deep. Proposing that people not date interracially in countries like Canada or the U.S. will just not work, nor is it realistic or even reasonable imo.
I find it interesting that you repeatedly mischaraterized what I wrote. If you don’t like what I wrote, you should address that. But to mischaracterize what I wrote–and since you did it repeatedly–I suspect that you are not being honest and purposefully in your actions.
lol @ being dishonest. No.
Harry Belafonte is as pro black as you can get,and has been married to white women for the last 60 years.His second wife and current wife are White.So he has been going home to Beckys for decades, that didn’t deter him from being a civil rights activist.So it’s possible to be “woke” with a white wife.
Kendrick is “woke” with a mixed race girlfriend,who was raised by her white mother.There are some people who are upset that he is not with a “black” woman.
TMNT jammies, Naw im good. And her name is Becky. No tee but…..hey go on do yo thang RGIII