so if ya’ll was watching the mess that is the ’15 mtv awards,
you saw nicki minaj call out miley cyrus when she was accepting her award.
( x read what miley said about nicki )
now foxhole…
i personally think it was staged,
but then i saw this audience cam video…
…but now i’m not so sure.
miley def looked caught off guard.
my thing is…
all that ranting and raving nicki was doing about her nonsense,
then started some random beef with taylor,
but can bring her out for her performance?
nicki opens the show and gets an award.
taylor gets an award and damn near overkills the awards.
everything came off real staged.
so forgive me if i doubted her calling miley out.i’m sure the real story will come out soon.
i hope it doesn’t make nicki look like a fool.
Miley’s face looks less shocked and more: “this bitch forgot to give me the signal…” With a side of “who told her to go off script!?”
I would also like to add her bitch rant wasn’t even clever. Very stereotypical “hood bitch” nonsense. Also, Miley doesn’t get pass either for appropriating black culture and then reprimanding a black female on the issue of racism in the music industry.
Nicki could’ve went that route in her ‘comeback statement’ but that would be to much like right.
Love this response
I realized watching Nicki “go there” on Miley that she is extremely immature for her age and it appears desperate beefing with someone 12 yrs younger. Love some of Nicki’s music and she is talented at what she does but I would never co-sign her response.
I still think it was staged, but then again Miley looked like it threw her off guard. That’s the wtf face. I don’t think she was shook. Miley did throw a lot of shade back at her though.
Miley shaded Nicki after that with a ok and response! And had Nicki mic cut off
Prime example why she’ll never be around long or win a Grammy.
Mhm! lol
GET HER NICKI!! GET HER!! LOL!! If Miley can dish it in interviews then she damn sure can take it! Get that appropriator!
#TEAMMILEY Nikki played herself big time… Miley will always have more $$$ and FANS than Nikki…
s/o yo her pastor and then took Miley to church .. LMAO
Too hood for words, wrong time wrong place. Sometimes you need to rise above the mess below. Nicki will be Nicki, smh….
Exactly! Wrong venue! She came across as the “hood chick” that so many already make her out to be. I think may have burned quite a few bridges last night acting like that. She has to remember…MTV isn’t her “house”, BET is! LOL
I was shocked
I believe it was real. I hollered lol. LMAO
You and me both! I love Nicki Minaj’s personality. Miley was definitely trying to save face but you can tell she was shook.
Nicki is nothing to be shook about. Lil Kim is out here practically running a whole campaign against her and she chose to confront little Miley? She gets no clout for that..
Miley says a lot of crazy stuff, but this is one black people should agree with. Instead of trying to raise awareness, Nicki played the race card to save herself.