mj had no fucks to give about oprah today

irony is something else.
oprah was speaking about balance during her wellness tour and…


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mj was waiting for the perfect moment to show himself.

How did Oprah fall?

she was wearing flats.
the irony of her talking about balance and she falls is crazy to me.
never in a million years would i see folks talmbout karma” for oprah falling.
the irony is she has rubbed many folks the wrong way as of late.
so many “respected” folks have gotten their “irony” moments as of late.
2020 is when the tables have turned.

16 thoughts on “mj had no fucks to give about oprah today

  1. Oprah has donated millions to paid for the education of hundreds if not thousands of black men at Morehouse College.She has paid for countless more college scholarships through her Angel Foundation.She has donated millions to support black people through girls schools,buying houses,supporting grassroots charities,empowering women conferences.

    That MJ doc and Russell Simmons doc doesn’t negate the charitable donations she has been making for the last 35+years.

    Team Oprah and Team Gayle

  2. We’re forever trying to tear down black women for telling their truths about black men. If we put half that energy into being accountable and stepping our shit up (as black men), we wouldn’t have to deal with situations like this. Black women have always held us down to their detriment and we don’t deserve their silence.

    1. Exactly. And for what Oprah has gone through her entire life. The bullshit from child molestation, teenage pregnancy, child abuse and criticism on her god given looks. I don’t agree on how she handled the Micheal Jackson or Monique issue, but l’m not going to throw her away. Oprah has donated millions to foundations publicly and anonymously. There are still black kids and black women being abused and murdered. Her platform could possibly help those in need of assistance. She has her flaws, but she is also her virtues.

    I’m not feeling Miss O she and her friend GayleK can KMA. These 2 women are Fake when it comes to black men and their issues. Yea shes done a lot of good but show me her empowerment of black men consistently and I will raise her up when she stumbles again.

  4. she just fell…I don’t think its karma… would be something bigger. She’s fallen many times before. Those knees aint what they used to be.

  5. Michael Jackson is the most protected sexual predator in the Black community.

    1. Exactly this man hung around nothing but kids and we as Black people have blinders on. If any other 40 year old man hung around kids he would be labeled a pedophile. It’s funny how our people cover for MJ and Eddie Long but wanted to throw the key away for Jerry Sandusky.

      1. This is also a man who over the course of his 5 decade career, donated well over 300 million dollars to various charities. Including the NAACP and other charities that support the well being of black people. There is literally a list of all his humanitarian work and donations. People expect for entertainers and people with notoriety and money to give because they have the means, but they really don’t need to give anybody shit. What have you done for the black community??? You can have an opinion, but making invalid remarks like they’re facts is dead ass wrong. Chair —> 💺

    2. Yes exactly and our people are the ones protecting him. What 40 year man hangs out with kids. It’s crazy how our people cover for MJ and Bishop Eddie Long but we were outraged about Sandusky and the whole Penn State situation. Pot meets kettle, I will never protect a pedophile that’s disgusting I have too many black male role models in my life just to cap for a rich entertainer who didn’t do anything for the black community. 🤷🏾‍♂️

      1. Y’all both sound like idiots, to call a man a pedophile who was investigated and under surveillance by the FBI for years, without even a molehill of evidence being found to support what he was being accused of is beyond me. Hanging out with kids and being eccentric doesn’t make one a pedophile. I don’t care how it looks on the surface. If you don’t have proof, you’re making a ass of yourself too assume.

    3. You have no proof that he is a pedophile. Talking about his eccentricity and is closeness toward children is moving goalposts

      Investigations by the FBI and being exonerated by the legal system tells way more than want you want to believe.

  6. It is like God Humbled her Ass real quick on the spot after talking about Balance. It was a sign from the Universe that she is probably full of shit. But I got a good laugh never the less, and even with that laugh I hope she is okay because I know she is in her 60’s. She will be sore as hell tonight.

  7. This here took me completely out! That wobble, that thump, that clump, that hair shake….😂🤣😂🤣it’s all too much!!! 😂🤣😂

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