kevin hart is an interesting little wolf.
am i the only one who can only take him in small doses?
no pun intended.
so every parent has a fear for their cubs.
it seems one of the biggest fears for black male dads is…
*dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn*
i know.
well kevin hart has a fear of his two male cubs turning gay.
this is how this all started.
so when he did the 2010 comedy tour for “seriously funny”,
he said…
One of my biggest fears is my son growing up and being gay. That’s a fear. Keep in mind, I’m not homophobic. . . . Be happy. Do what you want to do. But me, as a heterosexual male, if I can prevent my son from being gay, I will.
how do you prevent your son from being gay?
anyway you know he had to explain more in depth right?
well this is what he said in the new rolling stone magazine…
“It’s about my fear,” Hart told the magazine. “I’m thinking about what I did as a dad, did I do something wrong, and if I did, what was it? Not that I’m not gonna love my son or think about him any differently. The funny thing within that joke is it’s me getting mad at my son because of my own insecurities — I panicked. It has nothing to do with him, it’s about me. That’s the difference between bringing a joke across that’s well thought-out and saying something just to ruffle feathers.”
not a:
serial killer
drug dealer
drug addict
passing out stds and hiv
sperm donor with 50/11 kids
“angry black man”
someone who robs 7/11 in clown masks
someone who wears carpenter pants,
has a bunch of dead birds in cages in his apartment,
and only comes out to buy groceries…
none of those.
his biggest fear are his sons…
being gay.
that little one has some demons.
am i wrong for thinking that?
lowkey: he said he won’t play gay or wear a dress.
definitely something within kevin hart.
i know many father wouldn’t want their cubs to be gay.
mine probably wouldn’t.
would it be different if he had a daughter and she was a lesbian?
serious question.
quotes taken: the grio
read the entire rolling stone article: here
I was about to comment on Kevin Harts srupid comments but on second thought I will not dignify his stupidity with a comment.
Wow! THIS thread. Just, WOW!
@Jonny: My thoughts exactly. I was expecting different responses…my bad…SMH
Most dads are like that. It’s not just a black thing. I still came out to my parents because I refuse to live my life for somebody else. I didn’t choose to gay so I’m not going to apologize for it. If you can’t deal with it then that’s your problem, not mine. The end.
When it comes to comedy, he’s not my cup of tea but many people like his stchick and he makes much money from it. And he’s working out regularly and you can tell it by how his body looks.
He gets clowned for his height so I guess he has to find a way to compensate. Maybe having a gay son on top of that will play with his emotions
People have a dreams for their children and the dream often goes like this: White picket fence, house, 2.5 kids, married and happy.
I think that Keven Hart is just being honest about his dream for his kids Also, I want to point out that he didn’t say that his child being gay is his biggest fear he said “One of my biggest fears is my son growing up and being gay.” So it’s one of his biggest fears and I’m sure that
serial killer
drug dealer
drug addict
passing out stds and hiv
sperm donor with 50/11 kids
“angry black man”
someone who robs 7/11 in clown masks
someone who wears carpenter pants,
has a bunch of dead birds in cages in his apartment,
and only comes out to buy groceries…
Also make the list as among his greatest fears for his children.
Few gay, black men think that having such a life is easy. Heck, I’ll say that that it’s easier to be straight. (No concern about gay bashing, no concern about whether to be out and how much to be out, inordinate concern about HIV, dealing with men who will say nearly anything to have sex, societal disapproval, etc.) And most parents want their children to have an easy, happy life.
So I see nothing wrong with Kevin Hart being honest.
He probably fucked his way to the top..Technically he still not there because he can’t reach. SIdenote: I never found him funny at all. The only comedians I thought and think are funny is , Dave chapelle, Kat williams and thats it.
Thank you Jamari! You read my mind!!!!!
“serial killer
drug dealer
drug addict
passing out stds and hiv
sperm donor with 50/11 kids
“angry black man”
someone who robs 7/11 in clown masks
someone who wears carpenter pants,
has a bunch of dead birds in cages in his apartment,
and only comes out to buy groceries…”
Like what? Sir… imma need you get to your properties in check. If that’s his biggest fear than i worry for his kids. You’re not wrong for thinking this. When i hear parents say that my mind just goes down that list.
I’d definitely be more happier, open, and outgoing if I weren’t sexually attracted to men and I say that specifically because it’s only a sexual attraction.
I liken it to having sex with a person you don’t even like that much and after you’re dressed in 2.5 seconds making sure you have everything lol
I don’t really like Kevin Hart but I can’t be angry with him for speaking his truth. If that is how he feels then so be it. I just find it sad that out of all the terrible things in the world his son could become, he fears his son being gay the most. What saddens me even more is that so many others share this same sentiment, even people who identify as gay or bisexual. I just need people to realize that being gay does not define who you are as a whole. My sexuality is a part of who I am and influences certain things in my life but being gay does not define me. I like dick, so what? We give people too much power and influence over our lives and allow them to tell us who we are. I’ll be damned if I live this one life I have in secrecy and caring about what another grown ass individual has to think about me. Kevin (and so many others) have some soul searching to do.
PREACH IT BROTHER PREACH! I’m feeling it! I feel the same way! Your comment just gave me life ( and hope for humanity LOL)!
THIS. Imagine in a couple decades when I hit 50 and I look back at how I was scared to fully be myself because I was so worried about hearsay. I’m not living for anyone but ME. When I die, I will die alone. Not with anyone else. I came to this earth alone & I’ll die alone. Not living how I want to live will definitely play with my concious, it will eat me up on the inside because I know I’ll be suppressing the real me over something that is out of my control. Some guys want to live closeted for several reasons & that’s cool with them but I am going to do what I want in this short life.
His opinions are the opinions of a lot of men. Some people do not wan their child to be gay, but let’s be honest, I do not believe many of them would mind if their son was masculine. Think about it for a second. He is still manly, deep voice, straight walk, and dresses like a man, but he just likes men. I would not mind a gay son, but to be honest, I would want him to be like me tho. If Kevin’s son turns out to be gay, he should not love him any less. Most people do not understand that we can’t help it.
Exactly. People need to understand there are things they can’t control. Yes you raise your children but they aren’t puppets on a string.
We worry about the things in others that need fixing in ourselves.
@OPM1988: A lot of misguided souls believed that same sex marriage being legalized would be enough validation from society to bring closeted, DL, and masculine men out of the closet as well as “stabilize” same sex relationships because now they have a “goal” so they’ll be committed now.
Fair Enough
I just think it’s misguided to confuse momentum with overall standing with a cultural issue. Think of the current pop girl vs. veteran diva trajectory.
It’s sad but true. Kevin Hart is not the only dad that feels this way. As a black gay man I’ve always felt that the black community will justify and accept everything else expect for someone being gay. I’ve seen this happen over and over again! SMH
This is one of the reasons why we have DL men. I agree most black fathers don’t want their sons to be gay I know mine didn’t. I remember my dad putting fear in me growing up on how guys are not suppose to be gay, he showed me how to act and talk masculine growing up, I started acting masculine since I was a little feminine growing up but I couldn’t change liking the same sex. I’m going to be honest I wish I could be married and have kids with a female but I can’t. I wish my parents could understand.
^ Eric: I had to deal with the same thing. I had brothers who were athletic and masculine who I was always compared to. They would fight me to toughen me up.
I use to have the dream of marrying and having kids too but even with vixens throwing themselves at me i just wasn’t feeling them.
My parents pretend like they are accepting then they slip up talking trash about others. Its just who they are.
Tommy I thought about coming out to my parents plenty of times but I just get so scared, even though I’m grown I don’t want to disappoint my parents. I know they know about me but I just go with it when they ask me about females and making them grandparents. This one beautiful girl wanted to talk to me a couple weeks ago and while plenty of straight men would of jumped on it asap I just couldn’t be with her. That also happened to me when I was 18 and the girl I was dating wanted me to hump her in the backseat of my car, and I could not get hard even though I tried, I was so embarrassed.
Kevin has a 10 year daughter, Heaven and a seven year son.I guess he is not concerned about his daughter’s sexuality.
But lesbianism is noticeably more tolerated in society. That has to do with matriarchy where liking a woman is masculine therefore superior and liking a man is feminine therefore inferior. Don’t get me start with the top/bottom politics. Also, many of these men don’t really want daughters, and seeing their sons turning into daughters can be very shaming for them.
I know so hypocritical.
I think MOST hetero (and homo) black men think this way. The WORST thing you can be in the black community is gay. It’s sad, but that’s how MOST black men (and women) think/feel. I think we have to reverse the negative stereotypes placed upon black SGL men, and truly show that we’re not all whores, Ru-Paul wanna be’s (no diss to Ru), and messy fems.
You know, I don’t like him, or find him that funny, he has his moments but he’s just a a really annoying “character”. I dont find it surprising that he would say this.
I guess what he said isn’t too bad, he’s just being honest without being too offensive about it. I’m not expecting anything profound form him so I’ll just let it slide this time. It’s not smart for public figures to say things like that though, for the sake of their reputation. I don’t feel its bad for him to have those feelings/thoughts as a father because I would argue that its somewhat natural, but to say it publicly just isnt smart on his part. lol.
Since when is it “black thing” though.
Maybe in your minds.
Try being Asian, Italian, or Muslim especially.
White people aren’t as accepting as people think, it really depends on their background. Plenty of white kids have been thrown into the streets.
Yes, it’s a “black” thing. Second only to the Arab culture, black people are very homophobic. The WORST thing you can be in the black community is gay. You may have a great job, more degrees than a thermometer, great looks and a nice body but none of that matters to black people if they know you’re gay….and they low key have no respect for you and please believe that they are talking about you behind closed doors when you’re not around.
And white people aren’t? I’m in the south and I know for a fact conservative whites and old fashioned country white people would have a problem with it.
Don’t make it seem like blacks are barbarians and other races/cultures are so enlightened and progressive.
Yes JAY, speak the word!
I agree with you here JAY. Gayness isn’t accepted anywhere. It may be worse in some cultures than others but like you said, it depends on their background and the parents raising them (their views).
No it’s not a “black thing”. It’s so funny how so many black men in the LGBT community have this warped distorted view that every other race other than black are accepting or at least tolerant to homosexuality when that’s so not true. Please wake up. White people talk about gay people too behind their back LOL, every race does it. Just because somebody smiles in your face it doesn’t mean that they aren’t sh*t-talking you behind closed doors. Most straight men don’t see gay men as their competition because well.. They’re gay. It doesn’t matter the race. Society has this notion that a man is “less than a man” if he sleeps with another man.
Why don’t you there’s never gay people running for president??? Yeah because they know they won’t have the majority’s vote. This is far from a “black thing”.
Think about it. Do you think any father wants his son to grow up be gay? Honestly, If most of us had a choice, we wouldn’t want to be gay either; I know I don’t. It sucks.
I don’t think it was offensive at all, just honest.
Most gay men would choose not to be gay if given the option.
If they ever came up with a cure or surpressant someone would be very rich.
Where do I sign up, would be my response to a cure.
Shit they’d have endless volunteers for drugs in the experimental stage.
Most gay men would choose not to be gay if given the option because of things like this. If we lived in a society that supported us, we would not care or stress about being gay.
I think it’s more internal than external.
Gay marriage was passed so why haven’t all the DL men come out the closet? #lovewins right?
You could have a gay president and it wouldn’t change how some gay men feel internally.
Jay you make a point of the issue being more internal.
But gay marriage was never a benchmark of society going 180 on gay rights. Hell, no cultural issue (at least in modern society) has made the kind of progress.
Not me, I’m good actually lol. Might be cause I’m bi tho lol.
Prove it! Make a video of you twerking in some rainbow draws to Juvenile and send it to Jamari.
Honestly, I don’t really care about being gay. Am I happy being gay? No, but being straight wouldn’t make me any happier either. Do I think a straight life would be easier? Yes, much less complicated in many respects.
If I had the opportunity to “go straight” would I? Im not sure actually. I feel like I’d lose part of my identity in a sense. Like I would be just a typical person who wants 2.5 kids a wife and a picket fence with a dog. << No thanks.
It's a part of who I am and it has influenced my lifestyle of solidarity and refinement, which actually benefits my personality. Am I out to everyone? No, because I don't care for anyone else's opinions of me.
I wouldn't know as much about myself if I wasn't gay, because if I was straight, I wouldn't have to.It's weird to think of my sexuality in that way though lol. I'm honestly fine with it!
It’s a black thing. I’ve heard my dad describe gay men in the most sickening way. He also said that having a gay son was his biggest fear as well. It’s an big embarrassment in the black community to have a gay son. He said that it tells other men he is a failure as a father. That’s why I’d never come out just so he can keep his pride and still be proud of me.
Unfortunately this represents the sentiments of many black fathers and is part of the reason why the black gay community is broken. That in turns hurts the black community as a whole.
^he better hope no one has any stories of how they gave him a superstar pounding…
its always “them” who have secrets.
Oh hold on that was sum tea. U saying he don fucked his way to the top cher?