its gonna be a pink friday part 2 in november ’23

something urged me to listen to “pink friday” this morning.
i don’t know what but i needed a boost.
music can do that for you when you aren’t at your highest.
this album was what made me fux with nicki pretty heavy.
i was already in lust with her notorious big remakes but this album was it.
she does get on my nerves at times but no doubt she is a talented mc.
i don’t need her to talk; i need her to make music.
not only that:

She was Star Fox’s favorite artist next to his obsession with Brandy

how wild when i’m urged to do something,
i see something else to follow.
after i finished listening,
twitter sent a tweet from nicki in my notifications…

at first,
i thought she was revealing she is pregnant again.
thank you spirits and guardians for the message i received today.
she released pf on 11/20/10 and pf2 is 11/17/23.
it’s dope that this is such a spin-the-block moment.
i hope this album matches her debut as far as heat.
i feel like with many artists,
once the hunger is gone,
the effort dwindles as well.
debut albums are usually when artists are starving.
they are swinging dicks and throwing them on tables.
once success happens and those days are gone,
things def change for the “eh“.
either way,
i’ll be looking out for it.
i feel like ima be listening to pink friday a lot more tho.
that album gave me much-needed life today.

lowkey: what was 2010 even like?
that is such a different era compared to now.