Does Suraqah Have A Younger Brother He Doesn’t Know About?

one of my favorites in the foxhole.
so you remember suraqah shabazz?

an f-bi sent me what appears to be someone who looks kinda like him…

they look like they could be brothers.
let’s hope little s has the same body…

11 thoughts on “Does Suraqah Have A Younger Brother He Doesn’t Know About?

  1. I’ll stick with the original. The other one looks too young to me. Sad part is, he’s probably my age, lol.

  2. LOL…this is so crazy, I was just on Suraqah fb page. That man is beyond sexy…those lips and arms mmmm! Lil bro is cute too lol

      1. I know that’s right! What can a high schooler do for you? Graze your prostate and buy you a pizza? Pffft.

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