He is a cocky summabitch…
… and he found a special place within my heart.
Oh how I love the assholes.
My relationship with Chris Brown started here:
To this day, that is my favorite song from him.
He made me feel something every time I heard it.
After that day, we were 1.
I actually supported him instead of doing a free download.
After that, we were inseparable.
I loved how this boy moved and damn, he could put on a show.
Plus, he is a handsome kid.
I know a groupie he boned before I came along and when I heard the words:
My kind of language.
I said in my head one day:
“Wouldnt it be cute if Rihanna and him dated?“
They were a couple.
I think I had something to do with it.
(or I’d like to think so)
Shit happened, as we all know, and I was anti-Chris.
So, like a good boyfriend who did wrong,
he kept doing little shit to get my attention.
Our make up relationship started here:
When I saw him cry, it was genuine.
Plus, I hate to see people cry.
When you cry, as a man, you must be really hurt.
The boy made a mistake and has paid greatly for it.
To the Chris Brown haters: I’m over it and YOU should be too.
But this here:
Seriously, who is Ricky Romance?
Seriously, I’m waiting.
I’m so mad this grown ass man made a video like this.
And wasn’t his brother poked in his bottom?
How is he even going to call someone gay for a Twitter picture?
All this after Raz B and his attento-holic ass decided to throw a jab at Chris.
Chris decided to show his ass and let him have it.
Twitter drama ensues and now he is a homophobe.
I, personally, beg to differ.
In the black community, Chris simply DISSED Raz B.
Brought up a rumor about Raz B in attempts to shut him the fuck up.
For the record, Omarion:
YOU do not throws stones when you live in a glass house.
You just sit there, smile, and pop a butt cheek.
I got my own set of issues with Raz B
but I’ll save that for a day I want to re-kindle his fame whoring.
Ricky “Who-mance?” comes in and then makes that video.
Chris comes back with a video of his own:
Soft as baby puppies tho?
LMAO!!! !!!!!!!
Looks like me and Chris are back together again.
Make up sex is in order?
I’ll leave you with a bonus video.
John Wall.
Hey sir!
I need you to concentrate on the 7 turnovers instead of the dougie!
But you do it well though.
Call me!
Nope, he’s still a monster and now a convict felon. No amount of crying or dancing or album sales will ever change that. He beat the crap out of Rihanna and then turned around and said “I’m sorry” and got off easy. His responses to Raz B are just another demonstration of the type of person he is in real life. Today a fysh at work brought up how in our (black) community, as a man, if you’re doing well… you get to slide on lots of not-so-nice acts. Intimate partner violence being one of them and there are plenty of examples of it. Its sad to me how we brush serious issues like that off and then get upset when it happens to us or someone we care about.
Raz B just tryna get 10 extra minutes of fame. She needs to chill out…