i just wanted to do hoodrat shit with my friends (90)

whew the…
i’ll finish the rest in a sec…
so this is one of the many reasons i don’t “do” crowds nowadays.
MAGA is out of control in these vengeful forests.
the type of nonsense in this following video.
as the tweet claims,
this happened at a mcdonalds during a recent howard homecoming
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the barbz are still picking on cardi b

so ima be honest with the foxhole about something.
i’m lowkey into cardi b.
one day,
when i was going to that last job i worked at,
i decided to listen to her album on the way there.
i really wanted to know what the hub bub was all about.
i haven’t stopped listening since.
that spat she had with nicki drew me to her of some reason too.
 i haven’t really been paying attention to cardi/nicki drama,
but i did see she had a message for the barbz on “the shade room”.
this is what she had to say on her ig live
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transgenders might be no more pretty soon

scary alleged news for transgenders?
does “make america great again” really means “to be hateful af”?
which is why i feel sorry for the blacks and gays who are “pro trump”.
they really don’t know what fire they’re really stepping into.
i always equate it to those folks on the roof in “independence day”:

so the trump administration is allegedly planning on obliterating transgenders.
that means the word “transgender” won’t exist anymore if they pass this bill.
it will all go by your sex at birth.
this is the story from “the new york times”
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young buck is on the begging tour about his alleged “outing” videos

let this be a lesson to everyone out there:


…and you can take that in more ways than one.
so remember the scandal with young buck and the trans she-jackal,

the one where she allegedly outed him with sex vids & conversations on her ig?
( x check the archives )
weeks later,
he’s still begging her to take the posts down.
in a “fuck you” move on her part,
she posted his begging on youtube.
this is the first part…
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cassie is working on a new single project (just not music)

so remember that one entry about cassie being pregnant?
( x see it here )
that might not be happening.
i might have been right about the stress eating tho.
she actually has a new single project happening.
no seriously,
she’s single now.
according to “b scott”
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austin wolf banged the common sense out a delta airlines flight attendant

austin wolf

folks will jeopardize their whole lives for sex.
so the following story a foxholer sent me made me shake my head.
im gonna need the f-bi on the hunt too.
so porn star wolf,
austin wolf,
is in a scandal that he won’t receive much blow back.
his latest is taking,
what seems to be regulars in amateur videos,
and shows them a good time on his penis.
as this story goes,
he met up with a delta airlines flight attendant.
he decided to bang him in the airplane bathroom.
the tape leaked and all hell has broken loose via “the daily mail”
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