ari lennox quits music? (she better TF not)

you know i love ari lennox.
i met her and damn near fell in love.
well she has allegedly quit her music career.
it all started because of her loss at the “soul train awards“.
this is what she had to font on her twitter

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joel olsteen looked so shook while kanye was on his stage

i’m glad i’m not falling for kanye’s games.
this is coming from a past kanye stan.
folks were all excited he was releasing a gospel album with his “sunday service”,
but my intense side eye would not quit.
some tried to get me to listen to a song or two and i declined.
not interested.
i rolled my eyes hard when he took his act to joel olsteen over the weekend…

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demetrius jenkins has more to share on ig live?

demetrius jenkins has layers to his scandals.
 i enjoy him.
it’s like one thing happens and it reveals a ton of other shit.
he doesn’t realize folks are watching and analyzing when he does his ig lives.
one of my foxholers sent in a foxmail with some alleged information.
i font “alleged” because i can’t confirm or deny,
but i’ll leave it up to you.
this is what they had to send me to piggy back off the other entry

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does calvin myers “onlyfans” come with hot sausage on delivery with this price?

ladies and gentleman.
foxholers and foxhol-ettes.
this is for those trying to start an “onlyfans“.
i understand that you think you are worth a ton of money.
it’s because you fine and you get tremendous likes on your social medias.
i get it.
when you start an “onlyfans” for us to indulge in tho,
it’s ways wise to set the price point reasonably.
as you know,
or didn’t,
but calvin myers started an “onlyfans”.
he is the owner of alla this:

tell me why the fuck is the price for his 6 videos and photos on “onlyfans” is…

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lil’ kim is still mad at naturi naughton

imagine still being bitter about a movie that came out close to 10 years ago?
that would be lil’ kim and the movie would be “notorious“.
sidebar: i was on the set of that film.
i don’t ever want to film another concert scene again.
she went on “hollywood unlocked” and pretty much slammed naturi naughton for playing her.
as much as i love her,
this isn’t her finest hour…

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mo’nique is coming for netflix entire bag

mo looks good in this picture.
so mo’nique is the gift that keeps on giving.
just when i thought she was onto a new hustle,
she reaches back into an old bag.

Mo’nique is suing Netflix

if they don’t already have their own issues with disney+.
this is what a foxholer sent me from “nbc news“…

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