they let jamari fox on imbd now

today was an interesting day for me.
i felt a shift.
a door might have closed but and a new path opened up.
it felt like the timid little fox inside me grew up as well.
i’ve been working with one of my good friends,
yhá mourhia wright,
on her web series,
we started together and got let go at the same time at my last job.
she was featured on season 1 of my podcast.
well because of working with her,
you can add “creative consultant” to my growing resume…

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happy birthday to me

oh hi.
it’s my birthday.
in barbados,
being born on the 5th means nothing.
when i came to america,
it’s a big ass deal.
i usually like to say that the fireworks are for me.
this past year was one for the record books tbh.
i don’t know how to describe it…
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put that thing to you mouth and blow it really hard for me (happy birthday foxhole)

so the mi drama knocked me on my whole ass.
i ended up getting a bad headache on friday night.
even tho the headache left,
but all i did was sleep and binge tv shows.

sidebar: i got into this show on netflix,
dead to me“:

i’m a tiny bit obsessed.

i was supposed to put up streamers,
pull out the fog machine,
blow up the balloons,
and getting a cake for the foxhole…

Continue reading “put that thing to you mouth and blow it really hard for me (happy birthday foxhole)”

my faith in humanity has been restored (i hope it is for you too)

you never know whose lives you touch on a daily basis.
we get up,
get dressed,
and walk out the door to face these forests,
but you never know who secretly admires or depends on you.
other folks have impacted me in many ways,
but i never thought i was that impactful.
well i learned my impact quite recently and honestly,
my faith in humanity has been restored…

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Jesus on the main line

you have to jump on opportunities.
it can be scary,
but you can’t let fear dictate how you live.
i’ve lived in fear for many years of my life.
that’s why when i got the following opportunity earlier this week,
i jumped on the chance.
so earlier this week.
i got a random dm that i think was “the chance”…

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you might be entitled to money from equifax (find out how)

so you know i love to put the foxhole onto things.
ya’ll are always good to me.
if you know,
or didn’t,
equifax had a massive data breach in 2017.
since equifax is a consumer credit reporting agency,
those who have credit cards (and such) were effected.
147 americans are entitled to the 425 million settlement.
the pretty vixen was one of them.
she’s the one who put me on to it earlier.
i ended up being one of them and didn’t even realize.
so now ima send it to you…

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