are you ready for the biggest showdown on earth tonight? (kamala vs trump)

Tonight is the big night.

the much-anticipated debate between kamala harris and trump.
think of it like pay-per-view but without the bill.
it’s going to be the most viewed,
and dissected
event of the year.
some are crossing their fingers for kamala to verbally annihilate him.
others are hoping trump will leave her stumbling.

How do i feel?


i’m not sure i feel anything.

i refuse to get my hopes up,
because disappointment is more reliable than hope these days.
i do know one thing:

I want this shit show of an election to end.

it’s been a circus,
a twisted spectacle offering up either hope or destruction.
it’s like two sides of the same tarnished coin.
a Foxholer sent me this today:

and rachel maddow with this shit:

what is even going on anymore?

…and why are we being held hostage in all of this?

i hope kamala holds her own tonight but…

What if she doesn’t?

what happens when every word she speaks is shredded apart,
while somehow,
like magic:

Everything he does is ignored and brushed off.

do i care?

Staying detached feels safer than expecting anything at all.

the debate is gonna stream near everywhere at 9pm.

lowkey: i hope she at least does a “i’m speaking”...

lowkey 2: i saw this and was like wow

this is heavy.

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!