noah’s arc was the gay’s “sex and the city”.
noah was carrie.
ricky was samantha.
chance was charolette.
alex was alex.
wade was mr. big.
every time a new episode was uploaded,
karaoke and i would rush to watch it together.
their theme song still brings me happiness ever time i listen to it:
that show really helped me find comfort in my young gay life,
especially the confusion of dealing with my own “wade”.
so when i heard this news via out…
Noah’s Arc, a beloved two-season drama series chronicling the lives and relationships of four Black gay men that ran from 2005-2006, is officially returning to the small screen in 2023!
Director Patrik-Ian Polk shared the news while accepting his Lifetime Achievement Award at the second annual SpeakOut “I AM” Awards in D.C. last night, according to Gaye Magazine.
“I am very happy to confirm that there is, indeed, more Noah’s Arc coming,” announced Polk to a mass of cheers. “And it is coming this year.”
I’ve been waiting months to use this. (Thank you again to the meme creator whose name I’ve forgotten in the eternity since we’ve learned this news.) But I’m case you haven’t already heard… there’s a movie and it’s coming soon.
— Darryl Stephens (@darrylstephens) April 24, 2023
^their chemistry was unmatched.
i think everyone wanted a “wade” back then.
…or turning their “wade”s into husbands or to be acknowledged.
I’m here for this!
it will be interesting to see the lives of gay males after their 20s-30s.
what marriage is really like and how ex-thot gays handle aging.
i’d love it if they brought the sex and raw telling of that story,
with it being shot with the “insecure” filter.
i’ll be tuned in once that drops.
we’ll font about the episodes after.
lowkey: the memories that just rushed to me thinking back.
article cc: out
We waiting on this? You can watch the bad acting from these old queens.
Its weird, I would say this show was a little bit before my time. I remember maybe catching an episode here and there but from what I remember what I saw was pretty good. I think this only works if you can bring back the majority of the original cast to advance the story.
Just out of curiosity what’s everyones take on other shows like Poz Roz, Love at first night ( which is one of my favorites), or Triangle the web series seasons 1-4?
I didn’t watch this when it was on, but I remember hearing about the controversy of it being canceled apparently because the network didn’t want a black show being it’s hit show or something along that line. It’s just crazy to even read/write that. Glad to hear they’re getting another gig/check because everyone knows Hollywood isn’t exactly flooding black gay men’s voicemails w job offers.
Omg!!!! Amazing news! Can’t wait. It’s crazy to think that in 2023, this show is still the only one of its kind
i used to have to sneak to watch this show with the volume low while looking over my shoulder because we only had a desktop computer. Tell me why when Time Warner Cable finally added the LOGO channel they decided to barely show Noah’s Arc. They’d show it once at like 2 or 3 in the morning. I was pissed! Especially because they started showing Rupaul’s Drag Race 24/7. They didn’t even bother trying to make any new gay dramas or sitcoms.
I wish they’d given us a third season because I didn’t care for the movie. Also the dude that plays Wade, sorry but his bad acting is hard to stomach now as an adult. He fine as fuck tho. I would’ve preferred Noah ended up with Baby Gat. Their characters had better chemistry to me.
Truth be told, it was a lot of bad acting and cheesy stereotypes going on lol. I have the exact same story as you except we had Logo so I was able to watch a few shows in real time. It was my introduction to anything gay related as I grew up religious and sheltered. I loved the light skinned man that Alex got with, he was my first gay tv crush outside of The Rock, other wrestlers and Shemar Moore. I didn’t realize how revolutionary and controversial the show was until years later. I remember Queer As Folk but I never tuned into it. The only other Gay show that I actually watched and enjoyed was Will & Grace which is the benchmark for gay television imo. Hopefully one day we can get a black gay series on the level of that until then hopefully Patrik comes back swinging with whatever he does with the reboot.
I am sooooooo ready for this!!!! I’ve been binge watching the first two seasons and the Jumping The Broom movie of Noah and Wade wedding!!! Yaaaaaas Gawd!!! #WassDaTeaGuur
I cannot wait!! Hopefully they get a good budget and if need be partner with Issa Rae to help make it modern and fresh. A spin off would be good just to have a brand new series as well.
I hope Gregory Kieth will return!
I’m looking forward to this!! I use to pray to find a “Wade”