how to allegedly not get away with a potential murder of a 10-year-old

look at this dynamic duo of disgusting.
i’m fonting you foxhole…

Folks be crrrrrrrrrrrrrrazy!

a foxholer sent me this story and i legit gasped.
so ^those two hyenas allegedly hired a hitman to kill a 10-year-old.
i can’t even... via “people“…
Continue reading “how to allegedly not get away with a potential murder of a 10-year-old”

the hyena who used rat poison as his weapon with racism

how can you tell you are being poisoned?
that’s a good question.
i’m sure the weeks of illness is the first clue.
yukai yang,
^the hyena in the above picture,
thought he’d poison his black roommate and get away with it.
think again.
i was absolutely horrified at this story via “raw story”
Continue reading “the hyena who used rat poison as his weapon with racism”

a 12 year old put the alleged moves on justin crawford (he couldn’t resist)

i’ve been sent some stories that i’m often left going:


i’ll add this one to the many.
ex baller hyena,
by the name of justin crawford,
was allegedly caught in a compromising situation today.
one with a 12 year old.
this is the story via “tmz”
Continue reading “a 12 year old put the alleged moves on justin crawford (he couldn’t resist)”

male model, hivo gonzalez, was in fear for his life (so he ended up allegedly killing someone?)

have we fonted about ^this one?
you might wanna keep your hard ons on low.
so ^that’s hivo gonzalez.
he is a model hyena from miami.
“hyena” because he’s headed to jail for his alleged crime.
a foxholer sent me the story via “the daily mail”
Continue reading “male model, hivo gonzalez, was in fear for his life (so he ended up allegedly killing someone?)”

the dating apps have killers on them

we gotta be careful with “good looks”.
in the life,
the physical is what usually gets our attention.
if we’re not careful tho,
it can be what ends our lives as well.
i’m not fonting about ruining credit or getting stressed.
that is light work compared to this story i’ve been following.
that is danueal drayton up above.
that is not his college id picture.
he is the handsome hyena who was caught the other day.
he happens to be an alleged serial killing hyena.
the scary part?
tinder and über pool being where he found his victims.
this is what “the cut” had to font about danueal…
Continue reading “the dating apps have killers on them”

It Isn’t Looking Good For Kellen Winslow Jr

you just never know what’s happening bts.
looking good,
being talented,
or even “married” doesn’t always equal good characters.
that seems to be the story of ex baller hyena,
kellen winslow jr.
the alleged details of his scandal have been released to the public.
foxhole via “tmz” and “deadspin”
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