when people say ya’ll look alike but ya’ll are actually siblings

i dunno about ya’ll but i don’t wanna date a wolf who looks like me.
you can tell a real narc mofo who’s dating their legit clone.
imagine you are one of those mofos tho…

Are you meet a male that kind of resembles you,
you fall for him,
ya’ll set up shop,
and then you find out that it’s your brother?

well after 10 years of marriage,
this couple just found out they’re actually siblings

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why aren’t relationships lasting in the gay community? well…

the foxholer sent me an ig post of a gay couple in a “relationship”.
focus on the double quotation marks.
it was someone sitting on the lap of his man,
ass out in lingerie,
with both of their faces hidden.
all i saw in the picture was cheeks and someone who liked clappin’ them.
so when i see a tweet like ^that above,
my answer is…

Continue reading “why aren’t relationships lasting in the gay community? well…”

are we all becoming bitter about dating in the black community?

i got ^this dm today and it left me with a few thoughts.
it was ^this question that really made me take notice:

“Are we all becoming bitter?”

from what i see and hear around the black communities,
on social media and in irl,
i can honestly say “yes“.
almost every black vixen and alphabet gang member is annoyed.
a majority of black males just can’t get their shit in order.
it’s all for good reason tho.

Dating within black communities is the pits

but i did think this

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the bold and the beautiful: sheree whitfield and matrell holt debut their love

you know how i know someone is infamous?
when i write something about them and ya’ll blow up my box.
love and marriage: huntsville,
matrell holt,
is one of those wolves.
word on the foxvine is matrell has really good pipe.
he has quite the dick resume with the vixens.
i got the story he has a blackbelt in blowin’ backs out.
is this why sheree has enrolled in his classes?
per tmz

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stop dating while lonely with low self-esteem

when you reach a level of success,
whatever that looks like for you,
i feel you have to be very picky with who you let in your life.
i’m all for using the good lookin’ blow doll for a good time.

that is what they’re there for.

I have always had a problem with dating while lonely with low self-esteem.

once you had made something of yourself,
you shouldn’t be fuckin’ with low-hanging fruit because it’s easier.
think of it as a power dynamic

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i’ve had many jobs in my life.

Social Worker
Personal Assistant

Prostitution Whore
Trash Collector

…but the one job that i never did successfully was to be “me“.
i know you are wondering what i’m fonting about.
i have been all of those things to males that i really wanted to be with.
i saw one i took a liking to,
or realized that he was attracted to me,