you need to cry, so why won’t you let yourself?

I couldn’t help but wonder…
When did we start believing that real males don’t cry?

as boys,
we’re taught to bottle things up,
to hide those pesky emotions because,
vulnerability doesn’t fit the masculine mold.
if being “a real male” means being brave:

What if the most “masculine” thing a man can do is shed a tear?

we’ve all been there,
standing at the edge of our emotions,
afraid to let them flow.
i’m here to font to you…

If you want to cry,
just cry.

in my opinion,
it might just be the most attractive thing a male could do.

i’m tired of males being emotionless robots.
i’ve seen gay males falling victim to this as well.

Tears aren’t just salty drops that mean nothing.
They’re emotional detox.
They clear the blockages,
letting us see life with fresh eyes.

so if you’re wrestling with something heavy,
and you’re tucked away in the safety of your own space
let it out.

Cry for the pain.
Cry for the rejection.
Cry for the hurt, the betrayal, the isolation.
Cry for what wasn’t, for the loss, for the asshole or bitch who broke you.

i’m giving you permission to cry.
do what i do:

Cue up a sad album or a tear-jerker movie and let the floodgates open.

you’ll reach a point when the tears stop,
and with them,
the weight on your shoulders too.
you’ll feel lighter and ready to face the forests again.
after i’ve done purging out what hurt me,
i shift into something more aggressive to get me back into “fighting mode” again.

i started getting into rock and that gets me all turnt up.
these two songs have been in my rotation because the lyrics sit with me:

i been listening to p!nk’s “trustfall” album and had this one on repeat for days.

trust me,
this process has been doing wonders for me.
it may do the same for you.
so go ahead…