Is all attention really good attention?
I mean, we all like eye candy, right?
*raises hand*
We have Wolves, Hybrids, Vixens, and Foxes online to provide that for us.
But, what if you are a Wolf/Fox/Hybrid/Vixen who gets naked, but hates the attention?
Isn’t that, like, conflict of interest… or something?
I started to wonder…
What is the naked truth?
So I got an interesting email from a Wolf I featured in “MEAT” past weekend.
Here is what it said:
Hello could you please take down these posts and delete all text of “_______”. When you google search my name links to your website come up. I e-mailed you before about taking down a picture and I still have pics linked to your site.
I no longer model or act and am trying to have all my pictures removed off the internet as it interferes w/ my personal training clients.
Could you help me out here and remove the following posts and all other posts that may have a picture or my name in it. Thank you! I have been nothing but respectable in this e-mail. Please return the same respect.
“You should be flattered”, I thought to myself.
I would imagine if you have a great body and a personal trainer,
you may want to advertise on my site…
I mean, since a ton of us like to work out and could provide him business.
He could even offer fitness tips for a fee.
It is not like we fucked and I am outing him with our true-to-life tails.
I proceed to tell him that I will take his pictures off as requested,
but he needs to get on Tumblr and all the other websites that featured his images also.
That is where I discovered him, in all honesty.
He also needs to find everyone who “right click save” him and will eventually add him again.
So, something inside me decided to send the next message:
No response.
Personally, I didn’t need one.
I’m sure he is using his services to pick up Vixens.
I mean, let’s be serious.
I started to wonder about these Wolves who sell sex through pictures online.
Do they really believe Vixens are really only looking at them?
I mean, like seriously?
But, I also wondered if I’m an asshole for putting it up in the first place?
Are Romeisburning and Hoodsworld crossing the line?
Or, do we just admire the Wolf body in all it’s pectoral and abdominal glory?
Celebrities sell a service to the world.
They are here to entertain us with their talents.
They get admiration from all sexes all over the world.
These same people admiring, regardless of sex or orientation, are still putting money in their pockets.
I don’t see Trey Songz, Breezy Wolf, LL, or Romeo hitting up each Fox/Hybrid/or Wolf about their pictures.
Just playing devil advocate.
So, I had to ask…
Oh and the guy in the first pIc is like that too. He is straight or so he claims and has an account on bgc offering ” personal training services “” right
Really? That’s kind of strange. He has to be down with niggas.
Oh and the guy in the first
Oh and the guy I
Oh where is his pic….. Can you point us to an “already existing link of him” let’s see if he’s even worth all this drama. And shame on his pathetic ass for emailing you and posting pics online to get sex , what a lame nerd. You do not need to remove the pics they were not copyrighted and you did not ask his ass to strip or more stupidly use his real name when posting nude pics who does that??? So u put Ur real name so women can find u – YO u need to give me his email let me explain shot to his lil thirsty ass. Why were u nice to him again?
Now y’all have me wondering who this dude is that asked for his pics to be removed; I might wanna have dirty thoughts about him too. Someone email me his name or a link! lol
I was thinking it, but am glad someone else said it.
Yea he’s nice to look at and he seems like a great guy, but he can’t control what people choose to do with his pics once they hit the net. He gets mad points for comin at Jamari in a respectful manner though. He could have easily come on here and bashed the shit out of us like Jodi’s wack ass did a while back.
to be specific (since nobody replied lol) I meant the one with the dreads
I have always loved those pecs.
The first rule of law is “never commit anything to paper”….once you decide to take a picture or video and send it to someone, you have essentially lost all control of what happens after that. With that said, you cannot be upset with what happens next unless you are going to be upset with yourself. If one is realistic, in today’s society, one already knows the deal when it comes to releasing pictures. That is why it always makes me die with laughter when a guy decides to “twerk” for the ladies.
^lolol and get mad when all that twerking is all over Tumblr.
I forgot who the dude was, but with some digging I found out. He was sexy and he still is. I didn’t have any pics of him, but I do now, and I intend to keep them so I can beat off to them in the future. Take that my dude. *sticks out tounge*
Jamari you gave his ass the business and the final message you sent him was so classic it was like you stuck a knife in his gut and turned it and took it out and how the hell does his pictures being on this site or any other site effect his clients *eyes roll* nigga please. Jamari you put his ass in his place and thats why he didn’t respond to your last message with his punk ass
^i don’t like when people try to bullshit me.
He probably hasn’t hit up ANYONE and that is why I said that final statement to him.
He low key pissed me off.
Funny enough,
Back when I was researching him,
He took the gayest pictures ever.
It was all focused on his ass in “clever” ways.
Tons of side profiles when it came to his cakes (which were fat).
He also did a lot of “how to get a bigger ass” advice in his tweets to Vixens.
Where there is smoke,
There is a flamer.
I want to know his name so I can post the pics… i suspect it’s the same queen who contacted me..I have yet to remove the pics though!
^let him have his “moment” Luckey.
I am sure we are dealing with the same person.
He claims he contact everyone that had his pics up (which I find impossible).
Some of those pics were not tagged.
I’m sure he will be exposed sooner than
A nigga is crazy and delusional as hell if he thinks other niggas aint checkin for him. Once you post something on the internet it’s no longer yours.
The dude up top with the phone is bad. I want to see more pics of him, that body looks great. He has an innocent look with him too.
Fuck that queen and his feelings.. I aint removing shit AND I will send you a video jacking off to his pixs!
Ive always wanted to know who this guy in the pic is…Anyone want to go hunting for me? I want to introduce myself to his chest…
Turn iPhone sideways…. Str8 boys kill me with this and I mean boys cause a man would act differently. Like y’all said once you post somthing on the world wide web it’s property of everybody. One of his boys prob said his pics were on a gay sight and this is his way of fixing the problem. He must don’t know that he was gettin some free pr time and some fans. Jamari you are right, if you were a female with huge plastic tits and one of those new plastic asses he would have slid you his number. Damn dude if you think this is the only sight that had your pics then you need to check the friend links cause im sure there are a few 100 sights where your pic is featured, and some of them have gay porn on them GASP!!!!! Lol get the fuck on nigga
^if only he knew what I did to his pics,
on nights I was incredibly horny and needed a jack off fantasy,
he would probably dig his own grave and proceed to die in it.
If he only knew te countless other dudes who jacke off or used a dildo to his pic. Personally I’m over the whole pic thing I prefer vids. Just toss him to the pile of attention hoes who go wrong
Tell him I busted a fat nut to one of his pics the other night, but he can get them back if he comes to my place and twerks to “Work Out” by J. Cole. LMAO!
Shit you talkin about twerkin. The only way he will get them for me is if lets me smash. They do it in hollywood all the time. If you want something you have to give something else up. LMAO…
I say this with the utmost conviction:
My parents always told me once you put something out there on the internet it is no longer yours and its out there forever!
These bitches and dudes kill me posting these half naked pics everywhere like they aren’t aware people can right-click and save it. Once I do that it is MINE and there ain’t shit you can do about it.
Confused ass attention whores.
classic case of homophobe.
i bet if i had a big ass, wet n wavy yaki, and ho tendencies…
he would be shuckin’ n jivin’ all up in my pussy.
Was it that last dude who wrote you and told you to take his pic down? I don’t wanna say his name…
Once your pics get online, it’s nigh impossible to get them down. A fan is a fan; and unless you’re showing your azz or dack, I don’t see the problem. And if he did model/act, is he really gonna call up his old agency & ask them to get rid of his pics or contact all the photographers? Miss me with that bull…*Side-eye*