The need to be liked and appreciated is a BITCH, ain’t it?
I think it all started from our parents.
As kids, we did whatever it took to get their attention.
We did something good, and we got rewarded.
We did something bad and we got punished.
That happened until we got into school and we did things to get and keep our popularity.
Which group did you fit in:
Class clowns
The Nerds
Band Geeks
Emo Kids.
When we leave high school and get to college or even the workplace,
it seems those titles still matter.
Is life still one big high school after high school?
My job is like one big ass high school unfortunately.
I happen to be the star player, while others watch on the side lines and hate.
The exact OPPOSITE of what I use to be in my high school experience.
I have a lot of people in higher positions who like and admire me for my work ethic,
but it has caused A TON of jealousy amongst some of the miserable.
Even some of the dudes here low key hate on me for how I kinda get my way.
One of them is Co-Worker Wolf from entries past.
I don’t get it.
When I use to be a loner and kept to myself,
I still got hated on by people and they tried to walk over me.
Now that I morphed into the Fox of dreams,
my personality is on 100 and my style is something out a magazine,
it has caused even more bullshit to come my way.
In life, there are people we want to be friends with who will not like us.
We ask ourselves, “well what did i do?“.
But we never say to ourselves, “well, FUCK YOU too!“.
It is that need to be liked and appreciated that fucks us up each time.
It made me wonder about where we fit in after high school.
In any place we go, we still have to deal with social groups and desired cliques.
Social networking sites have even made that more enhanced.
You will get
or even undeniably ignored by people you think are cool.
My life has proved that someone with everything can still look down on something with not as much.
… and I don’t do particularly anything but SHOW UP.
Plus, I kinda don’t give a shit and my mouth is kinda wreckless when I’m upset LOL
Why are people so catty?
And, why can’t we all just come together and get along?
When it comes to fitting in and being cool…
I was a jock/band head/ nerd so I had alot of friends and enemy’s. In college just like butter I graduated from a HBCU so I was a floatie. I was high all 4 years of college and had my smoker friends. We are social people and we flock to people like us and those not like us we see as a threat. Plain and simple
I was a class clown/cheerleader*not literally*/nerd who was friends with the emo kids and band geeks.
But the way my personality is, I could be really successful to the authorities and people who mattered, and make it seem like I’m not for the others so I had some pawns if need be.
People will talk about you regardless, so eff em & do you. Keep it moving, boo.
Just a sidenote: The stigma of some of those titles depends on where you grew up. Being a southerner in a SWAC state, “a band geek” isn’t a bad thing. In fact, had as much popularity as football players. Further in my particular school, we would compete to get high grades (at that time), and the smart ones were in some ways looked up to, not picked on or belittled.
Back to Post: Sometimes being hated on (i.e. envied in some cases) is part of the territory. I can become tiresome, but what’s the alternative? Being less than your potential to make others comfortable?
^very true Butter.
I like that last question in your comment.
It gets tiring because you want to just have everyone be cool with you.
It is exhausting having to hear about the fake behavior,
smile in fake faces,
and work around people who are jealous because you are IT and they aren’t it.
haha do you fly shorty