Id eat it till he was soaking wet and ready to take some dick
Hell no..
Nooooooo….Looks like he been ran up in a lot and no telling what you might get from licking that…tongue might fall off!
Hahaha I was just about to say that!! He looks blown open, not a good look
It depends on how he looks as a whole, the ass looks good though.
Naw…It takes alot to make me wanna lick it. You gotta be tall…Muscular…Sexy…Chocolatey…You gotta make me say damn when I look at you…That makes me wanna lick the poop shoot
Id eat it till he was soaking wet and ready to take some dick
Hell no..
Nooooooo….Looks like he been ran up in a lot and no telling what you might get from licking that…tongue might fall off!
Hahaha I was just about to say that!! He looks blown open, not a good look
It depends on how he looks as a whole, the ass looks good though.
Naw…It takes alot to make me wanna lick it. You gotta be tall…Muscular…Sexy…Chocolatey…You gotta make me say damn when I look at you…That makes me wanna lick the poop shoot