the taste of victory always has an aftertaste of spite and revenge

I couldn’t help but wonder:
Do we all carry a secret fantasy,
a vision of revenge that keeps us going through the toughest times?

i have this secret fantasy in my head.
a clear vision of how i’d like my life to turn out.
it’s what keeps me going as i suffer.
it’s a vision of me finally happy

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my bootyhole itches with pleasure from tasting so good

all the foxes look for different ways to “taste” good.
i’ve always loved a nice scent on my body.
i’ll place it on strategic spots to entice eating me tf out.
i’ve heard of some foxes putting vanilla extract on/in their foxholes,
but i’ve never heard of the following.
this is what a foxholer sent me from twitter

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WOLF MEAT: (318)

perfect-pancakes_largebreakfast menu:
pancakes or pound cakes?

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WOLF MEAT: (174)


wolves and hybrids…
i need you to taste this real quick…

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WOLF MEAT: (125)

this is what you call “butter pecan“.

this is what you call “butter pecan without the nutz“…

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What Is Long, Can Be Salty, and You Put It In Your Mouth And Swallow?

not really,
but something better.

you ever had a craving for this?
all someone has to do is mention it and you gotta go get sum?
maybe you got your cravings under control.
i know.
sometimes i get so hungry for it,
that when i do get it,
i can put 2 or 3 in my mouth at one time.
i’m pretty damn frisky.
then, i get super mad when it’s done.

so i had to ask about the 3 below.
3 different flavors.
3 different tastes.
1 makes the cut

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