when you try to out someone who is already outed

so i have a different “outed” drama for the foxhole.
raymone wright,
who is above,
posted the following video on his facebook.
he decided to out his alleged luvaah,
orlando ford rogers

in an interesting way…

watch until the end:

x watch here if that doesn’t work

and outed the conversation he had with orlando’s alleged girlfriend,
who allegedly knew about how he gets down:

it seems everyone knows about how orlando gets down too:
































it seems orlando is enjoying his new found fame:

this is the first time the outer looks kinda…
that is a first for the foxhole.
he tried to out community pipe.
it seems anyone could get that pipe.
raymone wasn’t special.
i mean,
the outers in all the past situations look stupid regardless.
this one seems late to the party?

facebook: raymone | orlando

11 thoughts on “when you try to out someone who is already outed

  1. I must be the only one who thinks if your sex is that great, it can convert someone who needs it from everybody to wanting it from just you. Just saying. Raymone is upset he couldn’t keep Orlando entertained.

  2. Damn buddy look dumb af lol. I also want yall to note don’t believe none of these dudes when they say “no fats, no fems” cuz the “out in public” is silent

    1. neither do I. I always find it funny that someone will go out their way to expose something. only to be made a fool out of

  3. Wow, just…wow. These are the things that get dudes beat up or even worse, killed. Even though dude was already known to be bi, except to the fool he was bangin, trying to out someone because YOUR expectations are not being met/satisfied…it’s just crazy/foolish. Let it go! Plenty of dick/pussy in the sea.

    Guys/girls are going to say what you want to hear in order to get the goods, but it’s up to you to establish SOME kind of communication in that relationship, whether it’s a committed one or a friends-with-benefits type of situation.

    The actions of a few always reflect poorly on the community. This is why I don’t mess with “messy folks”. They thrive on drama and/or chaos. Nobody got time for that shyt.

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