well the sisters and twink fox lovers were in for a treat!
i can’t font that i was,
but eh.
so james charles was allegedly hacked today.
this is what someone grabbed while his account was being assaulted:
“cock” sounds about right.
well james took to his twitter to post this…
there was nothing really “hacked” from him.
it was some icloud info and a few texts.
he took it upon himself to post his nude.
someone called him out on twitter about it and:
i think he just wanted some meat to slide in between those dms.
nothing like “sympathy dick” to help you get over a situation.
he has a nice tail tho.
i never knew he was cakin’ it up like that.
I do my best to avoid people like James Charles, Shane Dawson and the thousands of other vapid disgusting white gays on social media. Please don’t make this blog a staple for their everyday drama. I seriously don’t care. And I sure as hell don’t want to see James Charles nasty pasty unnatural ass in the nude. I need eye bleach now
Some of you kill me. So because a butchqueen isn’t strapped with pounds of muscle and masculinity, he isn’t attractive or cakey? I, and MANY, other small framed twinks have plump cakes. Do you know how many pieces of trade and BIG muscle White daddies have probably hit Ms. Charles up already? A lot of you are jealous because sis is very young, established, and coined, and gets more action in her lil Debbie cakes within a month than many of you have gotten in the last couple of years. Effemophobic idiots.
James charleshas publically stated he is a virgin soooo….idk about action
Now people calling him a pedophile because they said his Fanbase is mostly under age and that his Fanbase is following him on Twitter But there’s a lot of grown adult to watch him too it’s funny that they say this because Nicki Minaj she has an under age Fanbase and she said all her queens radio that she want to change her music because a little girls watching her and she want to be on Role model but she still making provocative sexual music
He was really hacked there’s proof that he was hacked Many others were happy to include that black YouTube who killed him self
Probably because he had a successful YouTube mentor early on, but yeah he shouldn’t be famous. He can’t handle it and his personality is yuck.
You can have it. Or somebody can.
He Probably Got It Through Cosmetic Surgery. How He’s The Shape Of A Stick Everywhere Else But There…

Thought the same thing. Honestly I dont think it looks good because he’s so prepubescent everywhere else. I feel attacked looking at his nudes.
Idk Why He Has Became Famous. He’s Doing Too Much. I’m Upset I Saw This Picture
It Doesn’t Look Good
Ain’t shit a about that ass is “caked up” he’s obviously poking it out at a perfect angle, even then it’s giving me flat pancakes…
That picture of his ass looks bizarre