the brothers killed their parents and it was a incest love story too?

Ever get that gut feeling when something just doesn’t sit right with you?

that’s still me with dahmer on netflix.
for some reason,
my spirit REFUSES to let me watch it.
don’t ask me why but i’m going to keep listening to it.
i’ve binged all of ryan murphy’s other crime shows,
and i”m even going to indulge in his recent take on aaron hernandez,
but dahmer?


ryan’s take of the menendez brothers crime story hit netflix.

in a nutshell:

Lyle and Erik Menendez killed both of their parents,
Jose and Kitty,
in the 90s.
They legit blew their heads off with shot guns while they watched TV on the couch.
They became a big deal because of how they were rich,
white passing,
and attractive.

They are currently in jail for life.

but here’s where it gets weird,
i saw a tweet about the show…

…and apparently,
it’s hinting that the two brothers were
romantically linked???????
erik menendez made an alleged statement about it and…


if this is true,
why is ryan creating misinformation?

it made me wonder:

Are his other true crime shows filled with misinformation too?

i read that the brothers’ father was allegedly sexually abusing them,
and their mother knew,
hence the motive in their murders.

So why even go there with the incest plot line if it’s not true?

it’s already a sick story.
some lines are better left uncrossed.

lowkey: do we believe the father was sexually abusing them?
i read after they killed them,
they went full flex mode.
if IG was around at that time,
you’d see them on the TL with a lambo.

1 thought on “the brothers killed their parents and it was a incest love story too?

  1. Ryan
    Believes that his audience isn’t bright enough to ferret out discrepancies. Feud was 70% fiction and fantasy. I have read googles of books on obscure and well known socialites, and Feud was laden with conjecture. Sensationalism is inauthenticity. His viewer’s deserve better.

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