In A Flash


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Thatta Girl


Continue reading “Thatta Girl”

Meat of The Minute: Big & Nice

That will be my nick name for him.
Continue reading “Meat of The Minute: Big & Nice”

Jiffy Pop

I was lurking over @ my guilty pleasure, DG Source

(sends a shout out)

when I came across a sight for sore eyes.

… and sore eyes cause I was damn near about to cry.

Continue reading “Jiffy Pop”

Updates In The Foxhole.

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I added a few buttons under the posts….

….so you can share my stuff via
FaceBook, Twitter, or even if you want me on hard paper.

Point. Click. Shoot.

Let the good times roll!

Meat Of The Minute: Marlon Yates JR


Dreams of being successful in my promising career,
money out the wahzoo,
cars clothes and platinum credit cards,
a ton of baller and other celeb friends,
Devin Thomas as my ex homie lover friend being one of them…

and a rebound Yung Wolf,
looking like this:

Blowin’ my well deserved back out AND cooking me breakfast.
Worked for Shaunie O’Neal didn’t it?

D R E A M S….

Continue reading “Meat Of The Minute: Marlon Yates JR”