omarosa is that “dog” who is pooping on your shoe trump

that’s it trump…
walk into her trap…
slowly now…
so trump has finally opened his fingers to respond to omarosa.
you know he sends all his press releases to his personal twitter.
this is what he had to font about omarosa…
Continue reading “omarosa is that “dog” who is pooping on your shoe trump”

some of these black males love when trump tops them (looking at you john gray)

they just looooovvvveeeee being on the bottom eh?
i hope i never fall for this kind of voodoo.

it’s the type that will have your tail out here looking CRAZY.
a dick can really have you looking wild crazy.
pastor john gray is looking that way in my eyes.
so he went to the white house to discuss prison reform with trump.
this is what he had to say after
Continue reading “some of these black males love when trump tops them (looking at you john gray)”


so i’m up last night,
playing ps4 with some friends around 1am,
and decided to randomly check ( x my twitter ) on random.
you know how twitter has that new feature called:
“in case you missed it”?
well the following was the first thing that popped up on my tl.
it was a cap locked word vomit from our fearless leader.
this is what it said

Look At Our Fearless Leader In Action During A Tragedy!

before i start this,
i want to send my condolences to the families of all the victims in the capital gazette shooting in maryland today.
another senseless tragedy that is becoming way too familiar.
so our fearless leader was asked to comment on what happened.
this is what he had to say…
Continue reading “Look At Our Fearless Leader In Action During A Tragedy!”

Did Kim Kardashian Just Show All Our Favs How It’s Done?

kim kardashian showed us,
didn’t she?
i guess that boredom of hers led to great things.
so remember when she went to the white house last week?
she went to get alice marie johnson freed from prison.
well in a weird twist of fate,
it looks like trump granted her request.
this is what “reuters” had to say…
Continue reading “Did Kim Kardashian Just Show All Our Favs How It’s Done?”

Kim Kardashian Is What The Attentionistos Want To Be, But Can’t

i was legit waiting for a pig to fly across my skyline today.
when i woke up and saw the following,
i had to wonder if i was dreaming.
kim kardashian.
going to the white house.
discussing prison reform with tang.
i had to wonder if i was in another dimension or something.
alas it happened today and it was NOT a joke…
Continue reading “Kim Kardashian Is What The Attentionistos Want To Be, But Can’t”