Splash It On My Chest and Neck (Aim Good)

tumblr_lww0h6IxuT1r5pqpro1_500well its that time again.
well not officially.
once clocks go back,
and the day turns to night early
then its fall in my book.
fall also means its time for:

nice jackets

my favorite!
fall also means its time to splash new scents to spray on your fur.
its time to put away summery colognes away and introduce your fall scent.
ones that won’t make us suffocate during cuddle time.
so i had to ask for fox swagg purposes…

What scent are you rockin’ this fall/winter?…

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Your Scent Is “Booty Booty Butt Cheeks” By Eau Du Toilette

tumblr_mya0umxP1L1scu9vwo1_1280we all live in our own forests.
thing is,
no one’s forest is truly the same.
when it comes to dating,
and not fuckin’,
everyone has a different scent.
it makes us who we are.
the scent of sex smells like “half naked pictures” and “suggestive texts”.
anyone can do that.
you can get anyone to fuck you if they are horny enough.
the scent of a hoe is pretty easy to smell.
when it comes to what makes someone stick around,
do you know what your scent is?
what it was?
well we need to take a trip inside.
deep inside.
so my question to you is…

What scent are you giving off?

Continue reading “Your Scent Is “Booty Booty Butt Cheeks” By Eau Du Toilette”

F-BI Mission: Wolf Divide and Conquer.

can we get a twitter, tumblr, facebook, and other info for this one here?
i feel like he has secrets.

let’s do mission: divide and conquer.
scent: his name is deVane.


First of all,
the weather is extremely disrespectful today.
It is HOT as hell.

do people shower?
I mean, do they really shower?

I walked past a Vixen earlier: STANK.
I walked past a Wolf earlier: STANK.

In the summertime,
you got to do a little bit more.
You can’t just roll out of bed and walk outside.
Especially in 100 degree weather.
So cum on in…

So, let’s get fresh

Continue reading “SUMMER TIME FOX FRESHNESS (Lessons In Fresh 101)”

Foxy Lifestyle: Scent of a Fox

Hi I’m Jamari Fox and I’m addicted to smelling good.

It is a really nasty habit I picked up somewhere.
I done spent 150 dollars today on various colognes.
I think I have a problem…

Continue reading “Foxy Lifestyle: Scent of a Fox”