ya’ll want to fuck @saybryant so this is why he’s not on the canceled list

i’m starting to believe there isn’t a “cancel culture“.
there is a “sit yo ass in the corner and think about what you did” culture.
 i had to wonder…

Do people truly get canceled?

it took years for trump to get canceled and he still has folks who support him.
most gays claimed they were canceling attentionisto,
over his alleged colorism.
( x we talk about him here )
i haven’t heard about him for a minute until he did the #silhouettechallenge with his boyfriend

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will smith is getting dragged for another movie role he might star in

when i watch a biopic,
i like good casting.
i mean,
i want the actor portraying “whoever” to at least resemble them.
will smith did an excellent job portraying muhammed ali in “ali”,
but they want him to do another biopic that has folks talking.
well not even talking.
they angry af.
a foxholer(s) sent me the story via “yahoo news”
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