so i know you’re struggling with your sexuality…

…and it can be scary af.
like me,
you were taught that being gay is wrong/sin/gross,
yet you don’t understand why you’re attracted to males.
it could be this attraction to the your co worker,
the trainer in your gym,
or you were in public and peeped a cutie with a nice tail.
it made you hard af and you couldn’t understand wtf was going on.
i’m hear to font you…

Continue reading “so i know you’re struggling with your sexuality…”

chris watts: the murderous undercover dl bisexual hybrid?

i usually don’t scream that i think someone is gay,
out loud anyway,
but something in my foxy senses said:

“I wouldn’t be shocked if Chris Watts had secrets.”

something inside me “dinged” hard with that one.
well i may have been right.
“the male side piece” has allegedly come forth.

i know.
i know.
the foxhole,
far and wide,
alerted me of the story that i had to post.
this is what “the post” had to font…
Continue reading “chris watts: the murderous undercover dl bisexual hybrid?”

BATTLE OF THE PORN STARS 2: the “straight” or “maybe bi? edition?

wassup with the porn star beef these days?
so jax slayher is the perfect “11pm to 3am entertainment”.
i think it’s one of the reasons i watch his porn.

you know i love me a big bawdy kind of ride.
in his past days of “chatubate” like entertainment,
jax had a couple of leakage of him in compromising positions.
it was him allegedly exploring himself with a dildo.
anyone under 18,

next entry.
there were rumors of him being bisexual,
but i doubt anyone really cares.
he has a good stroke and that’s all i care to see.
well fellow pornstar,
nat turnher (these names),
had something to say about it all.
he quickly deleted his original statement,
but posted this one on twitter instead…

Continue reading “BATTLE OF THE PORN STARS 2: the “straight” or “maybe bi? edition?”

Derek Tramel Addresses His Sexuality, But Allegedly Outs A Foxhole Fav?

derek tramel was a foxhole fav…
…and then he vanished.
i don’t think he was trying to go the lengths of the other attentionistos,
but he wanted his moment.
well derek has started vlogging.
in a recent blog,
he wanted to put all the cards on the table.
he decided to address his sexuality and allegedly out someone else.
someone we all may know.
this is what he had to say…
Continue reading “Derek Tramel Addresses His Sexuality, But Allegedly Outs A Foxhole Fav?”

You Straight (Until The Foxhole Proves You Gay)


so i always get asked this question:

“Why do you always say someone is straight in your entries?”

just the other day,
a foxholer asked me,
but i had so much going on that i forgot to answer.
well here is my answer
Continue reading “You Straight (Until The Foxhole Proves You Gay)”

It Ain’t Gay If I Only Put The Tip In His Mouth


during this “yung trizzy trill/raging jackal” scandal,
i started to realize something.
well its something i’ve known for a while.
hell i run the foxhole.
my readers are a different breed.

i also think its the reason i’m not so hard on the dl.
i get it.
well some of them.
there are a majority that can be idiots.
i don’t think people realize…
Continue reading “It Ain’t Gay If I Only Put The Tip In His Mouth”