The Foxhole has been wanting me to address this.
I’ve been very “eye roll” about it but ya know what?
Fuck it; we ball.
i’ve been playing video games ever since i was a kid.
i’ve noticed it taught me a lot of skills that i’ve applied in my real life.
Solving puzzles
“There is a secret in here somewhere”
Defeating final bosses flawlessly
my virgo moon goes a little too OD tho.
as an adult,
when i want to step away from the real world and go to hyrule,
the mushroom kingdom,
doing gens to escape in dead by daylight,
or dodge tom nook for them bells i owe him,
i’ll take a break with one of my video game systems.
funky dineva doesn’t think that grown males should be play video games.
he nor his friends play video games at their big ages:
—The Milky Way Hoodrat
(@JustinUrameshi1) April 26, 2024
funky dineva also made a career as a grown man gossiping.
his life choices can be called into question too.
so i’ll font my quick thoughts about it…
Why are men always being judged for what they find joy in?
it’s so bizarre.
it’s like males can’t do anything without it being “too sassy” or “too something“.
i don’t get it and i’m not trying to get it.
There are males who handle their business,
play video games,
have sex,
and still do grown ass shit.
gen z (and many millennials too) have gotten big bags by playing video games on twitch.i bet the conversation stops when your partner brings in 20k/month for playing video games.
i respect funky dineva for being one of the vets in this forest of blogging but honestly…
Who gives a fuck what he thinks?
Who gives a fuck what his friends are or aren’t doing?
We don’t know them and they don’t know us.
who knew a simple thing like playing video games was like drug addiction or harming another.
we gotta stop picking males apart for the harmless things we do/enjoy.
the things that brings us peace in this toxic ass forest.
It’s like many people on social media are evolving into grown ass bullies now.
Picking on people for the shit they like or who they are.
i hope to meet a partner who handles his business but loves video games too.
that would be absolutely perfect.

lowkey: these vixens be flippin’ out their menz are playing video games.
he’s in the house tho.
he could be putting his joystick in someone else’s system.
make your choice.
This is kind of crazy coming from Funky Dineva, this sounds ignorant and out of touch with modern society. I think the problem is too many people are too quick to jump into this gender snipe/ gender war. I think Jason B hit it right on the head. Everyone is so quick to give their take on the “ No good “ insert man or woman, which is crazy because it all depends on the rules and boundaries you set up in your life and how someone crosses those boundaries.
Just some fun facts but Nintendo came out in the United States in 1985 and the Playstation didn’t come out until 1994, which would make them 39 and 30 years old respectively. When the Nintendo came out it was $149.00, I say that to say that video game consoles and their games are a new thing in terms of our society and human history, societal norms change all the time, and video games have become more expensive and have evolved. Video games make up a 90 billion dollar industry, that’s not all kids. I personally have moved over to PC gaming and some stress reliever games on my cell phone, but I know plenty of people who have professional jobs, take care of their responsibilities and still find time for video games.
I honestly feel he and IAmZoie need to be canceled. We do not need them speaking for the Black gay community.
I swear we make the wrong people famous. These 2 are always in the news for something ignorant.
This ashy fool puts on a wig to get noticed and has the nerve to comment on what should make women moist?
He is like a broker Steve Harvey/Tyrese. Giving Black women advice when he doesn’t have his own life together.
We care about HIS opinion why? Who on this Earth wants to marry him? Who wants to date him? All he does is hate on beautiful women like Chloe Bailey and is a miserable miserable human.
Unpopular Opinion: Obsessiveness with video game playing at a grown age might bother me in someone I’m trying to date. Idc if that’s how you unwind or enjoy some friendly competition, but if it’s an “every night/7 days a week” kinda thing at 40+ I might have a pause – unless it is a revenue stream.
Yea, I think this was just Q conflating video games w the ‘all that niga do is sit around playing video games instead of taking care of his responsibilities…’, trope. They literally make games for everyone these days, not to mention, ppl make bank off of it. No one, including Q, cares if a functional adult likes video games. He’s just personalizing the situation because HE associates them w things HE did as a child.
Idek this topic had gained steam and grown legs…