^this is how i remember sherrod belton.
that is why i ( x posted about him ).
that and his gigantic muscle tail.
well a foxholer sent me some devastating news earlier.
sherrod don’t look like that no more.
he has been training for the “texas cup 2016” fitness competition.
well this is what he looks like now…
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i was startled when my foxholer sent me the pictures.
i didn’t even want to believe it.
he looks better with grade a beef:
his face looks better when he has weight on.
let’s hope he can get back to ^that soon.
lowkey: his skin use to be so clear back in the day.
he needs to find a good derm to clear that up.
pictures taken: instagram
He does not look good thin at all. He looks sick
Oh chile that’s not unusual for physique competitors…fear not boo….his weight will return after the competition….
@jamari check out Signal23TV’s About Justin extended trailer
Signal 23 is DEFdoing they thing. I will support and that trailer is poppin as hell.
I sure do love looking at Sherrod, but baby get that weight back on. SN: Not only is Sherrod attractive, but I love the way he talks with that deep country ass accent.
i like him with the weight on his frame too.
He’s cutting to compete. Body builders try to get to the lowest amount of body fat possible while retaining muscle, it stops looking nice when you get to a very low body fat percentage though. He’ll be back to his sexy, beefy self in no time, probably with more muscle too.
Come back thick booty Sherrod!
^and fast!
His face is slightly different. However, the beard made a big difference, which is the case for a lot of men.