porn star, hot rod, doesn’t seem to be so hot right now

I knew when I saw Hot Rod with PRK,
I felt something was off with him.

what they don’t tell you about being a porn star is…

Some folks aren’t as strong as they seem.

they don’t tell you about is the wear and tear on your body and soul.
they don’t tell you about the drugs to make it more bearable also.
many aren’t actually sex-positive or slut-strutting shame-free.
many are drowning in severe mental health issues.
like the entertainment industry,
you’re fed to the vultures once the porn industry is done with you.
a little Foxie sent me an update about hot rod,
a veteran in black gay porn.

someone spotted him at a train station in new yawk and…

i hate updates like this.
i remember when he was on top (literally and figuratively),
but looking back,
the signs were probably always there.
those giganto-butt cheeks probably was the first sign tbh.

When you mix drugs,
and mental illness,
it’s a recipe for impending disaster.

i hope hot rod finds his light soon.

lowkey: talk to any vixen in the biz and they’ll tell you they really hate it.
it’s not as glamorous as it’s made out to be.
anything that turns pleasure into work loses its luster fast.
funny enough,
i was reading a thread on reddit about dating porn stars.


3 thoughts on “porn star, hot rod, doesn’t seem to be so hot right now

  1. ‘All together’ blk ppl don’t enter the pron industry. We don’t have the privilege to look at it as some ‘sex positive, liberating’ industry like ‘white gays’ (muscle/circuit gays who exist in only those social circles, not white gay men) can. So, we don’t. All of those young blk twink queens got into porn because it was the easiest place to turn when life looked bleak. Po thang. Bless his heart.

  2. I said the same thing when I saw his video with PRK. I know he was on something. We are seeing the same thing with Casteo

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