Looking For This Wolf…

Would the owner of this body…..

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The Naked Lie

“Stuck and left naked with a hard penis” – Lil’ Kim, Hardcore

Why do TOPS try to play smart bottoms?
I mean, is it to hard to ask for niggas to have brains these days?

So not trying to fall for the Gotcha Gotcha….

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His Nick Name Is “Trouble”

Have you ever been in something and knew it would be nothing but trouble?

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6 Months To A Year, TOPS!

How would you feel if someone you were dealing with
gave you a time line on how long you were to mess with him…

….before he went and got married and had kids?

…. and he wasn’t even on the D/L?

Continue reading “6 Months To A Year, TOPS!”

O Mmm Gee…..

“All I Need Is 1 Night….” – One Mic Remix, Nas

Female friend sent me this dude she is tryna let slip deep….
I’m @ a loss for words.

Any dude who looks like that,
I am taking applications NOW!

Meat Of The Minute: LL Burrell

I just KNEW inside my spirit I would find out who THIS WAS!

Continue reading “Meat Of The Minute: LL Burrell”