mr. o looks like it means orgasm

i think this wolf is fuckin’ hot.
there are certain wolves i find sexy for many things but also:

They reminded me of someone from my past.

alexa play “you remind me” by usher.
^he reminds me of a wolf i use to know

this wolf name is mr. o aka omar,
from what i can tell he is straight,
and he boxes.
he looks like he beats something other than his opponents too.
its his face and energy that turn me on:

the wolf i use to know looked similar to him especially here:

while the others in our circle tried hard to get pussy,
he made it so easy.
its the way he looked at you.
his eye contact was 10/10.
he got more pussy in our circle than all the pretty light skinned wolves.
not only that:

He had these vixens HOOKED on that dick.


Unlike others,
when we ended,
I knew what I was dealing with and was able to hold all the cards.

i could be projecting about omar and if i’m wrong:

i don’t want to be right.

lowkey: his accent >

1 thought on “mr. o looks like it means orgasm

  1. He’s handsome. It’s giving shrimp which is not a deal breaker if he’s financially good and kind. 🤣

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