*before i start this entry,
i have to font that the following is all “alleged”.
so this morning,
i got a few documents by a source that asked to stay anonymous.
according to the documents obtained,
it was an alleged conversation with photographer,
marvin bienaime.
from what it appears,
it looks like a model trying to get booked for a nude shoot.
this is how the alleged convo went on fb messenger last december…
now this has been the font on the foxhole before:
the model wolf from those entries,
gave his opinion as well:
so i decided to carry on a quick interview this morning.
i had a ton of questions for this source.
according to them:
“He preys on younger and naive guys who only wants to model with lies about they need to send him nudes and often perform sexual favors for him to shoot them.”
so i asked for proof to these claims.
they said:
“He asked another model to suck his dick but it was over the phone. No writing”
the source claims about the bts videos:
“And all those videos circulating of i’m recording “bts” he recording these guys without knowledge. They see it for the first time just like everyone else on the internet.”
and about asking for alleged nudes:
“No photographer asks for nudes.
That’s perverted.
Why would you need to see a model nudes if you’re not shooting porn?”
as for what marvin allegedly tells them:
“He legit tells dudes who want to legit win with modelling that if they don’t send the nudes or do anything his way they won’t become famous. by now, he shot hundreds of dudes, yet he only made like 3/4 social media famous.”
i asked the source if they think these models have allegedly messed with marvin.
they said:
“HELL YES they did some kind of favor.
Either jacked off for him or let him fondle them.
who knows.”
the source gave alleged background on the type of guys marvin shoots:
“Most of these dudes are broke or have a family. He charges $600+ for a shoot, $1500 for those teaser videos and a fee to post on his Instagram. The guys don’t have money like that. If a guy manipulates you and tells you that celebrities do it all the time and you have to do it this way, of course they’re gonna fake comfort. He’s amazing at his craft, but he’s a predator.”
well damn.
the “p” word.
now i’m just here to report the story.
i cannot confirm or deny what was fonted.
i don’t have any ties to this source nor marvin bienaime either.
i will font that marvin needs to address these alleged claims tho.
this has been the whisper for the last few months.
that being fonted,
i’d love to conduct an interview to get marvin’s side of the story.
this is not the era to let whispers turn to yelling.
lowkey: does marvin only do nude shoots these days?
what if the model doesn’t want to do nude shoots?
i’m just asking…
This blog article is irresponsible. He is a popular photographer known for nude erotic shoots. Erotic modeling is a segment of the Adult industry. And Even though these models act like it isn’t porn; It’s common to ask models to submit a recent nude photo prior to inspect their body. You would never want to invite a model to fly out to your city and waste all the time and money if they aren’t properly equipped for the job. It’s apparent that the models that alleged foul have no clue about the industry and its border-line slander. And we don’t know anything about him allegedly asking for sexual “favors”. Where’s the proof? Call recorder apps are very popular and easy to use. Produce the evidence before trying to ruin a black man’s reputation.
Haaaaa! The person on this thread “speaking” ON BEHALF of Marvin IS Marvin! I just KNOW it! “Marvin is not gay.” Riiiiiiiight! He’s Luther Vandross straight! We get it! Boy, please. Marvin is as attracted to muscular men as 99.9% of the gay male population. Telling “model” after model to send nude images (from FOUR angles, no less) is just a gay male photographer wanting to deposit more currency to his spank bank! The man takes great photos. So, I hope he’s proud of that. The man preys on hot, muscular dudes who are lookin’ for a come-up. I hope he’s NOT proud of THAT!
Even if everyone is a consenting adult, that doesn’t make Marvin any less of a predator. He’s ~allegedly~ using his power to get what he wants, and that’s predatory. Period.
And asking people to send nudes photos, especially when they’ve already said no, is SEXUAL HARASSMENT.
Sorry everyone is an adult here. If they don’t have the money to pay for his services or want to pay in other ways, keep it moving. If true he seems upfront. He’s not obligated to shoot photos for anyone.
I believe there is truth and lies on both sides. Neither party is innocent and both have been complicit to a degree of the other’s actions.
a. New models come from all walks of life. Some from small towns and are indeed naïve and trusting. Others from larger cities and are hip to the game but plead innocent if called out. Both however are eager for fame and fortune and many don’t care how they obtain it. Marvin offers a service and we don’t know the details as it’s he say he say yet we do know the results of the many who come thru yet almost none have longevity and move to the next level. You have to ask yourself why that is. If you have so many connections, then why aren’t they moving up and out other than Instagram fame. Yes you can surmise a host of reasons from lack of commitment, lack of industry knowledge, talent etc. but what about those who do put in work? Why not them? Yes there are good and bad photographers…yes most don’t request a nude but I can say from personal experience as a photographer when I placed an ad in various place (ie craigslist, etc.) for artistic and erotic shoots I got full nudes including frontals but I spelled out in the ads what type of shoot I was doing. I’ve had models who I did fitness shoots asked to shoot nudes. Men are fascinated with their own bodies and if they’ve worked out and achieved some success want to show it and want people to appreciate it. The fitness competition for men are mainly attended by other men in the audience. Sponsors for bodybuilding and fitness are normally other older men with money or companies. The general public still don’t believe men can be coerced, manipulated or forced into sex. It goes against masculinity and the power it projects; however, we live in 2019, the manipulation both voluntary and involuntary has gone on for decades with passive and violent results. You asked about R Kelly and Harvey W. well look how long this has gone on. R Kelly was found not guilty and thru the entire scandal his record label still stands by him…money. The same goes for Harvey W…money. As long as money rules, people want getting ahead by any means necessary, men period (can’t tell who is gay, str8, bi etc) posting suggestive,naked photos on Instagram and twitter for likes, illicit actions have gone on in the past and will continue into the future with people’s feelings and lives being damaged the byproduct some willingly while other fall victims. This all in the name of fame. Ask yourself, if you placed an ad saying a model could make 5k for an artistic or nude shoot how many models would do it then say they were coerced? There used to be a company who would fly a model to Canada for an athletic shoot, then once the model got there they would entice the model with more money to shoot a nude or porn shoot. Never forcing but flashing more money in the model’s face. Some of the model’s I shot before did it and told me about. Some regretted others didn’t. Was that wrong? That’s debatable as they weren’t forcing the model but only offering monetary incentives.
The stories about Marvin have taken a life of their own and won’t go away. The old folks used to say where there’s smoke there’s fire. Whispers in the dark bring scandal in the light. Odds are there will be fall out from at least 2-3 models in this calendar project he did sometime this year or early next once the newness and temporary fame have worn off. What will they have gained by doing it? Somebody is bound to be upset so let’s see what cards are placed on the table then. What would a Lifetime movie look like if done on Marvin B?
This rings true. One thing I noticed about some of these insta fitness guys is how broke they are in real life.
Many don’t even have their own cribs.
Marvin is just the photographer and he makes it clear that is is not obligated to promote or get these models gig…. you can have all the connections in the world if you aren’t it you aren’t it not everyone is going to make it in the modeling industry if that was the case the industry would be full of very successful models
…. these gay dude are just mind boggled that Marvin gets to shoot these good looking men. In there mind it can’t be just business it has to be more that just business. Ask your self why is it that gays think like that!!! It’s because they know for them they wouldn’t be able to keep it on a professional level if put in that position. That man built a successful business from the ground up and I doubt he would sacrifice his bread and butter for one of these models besides he isn’t even gay!!! And the line where there smoke theirs fire isn’t always true… it’s people out here that know how to conduct business professionals!!!
The funny thing is this and something people always say: SEX SELLS.
I think we all know it does. We live in this era that allows everyone to be their own photographer and director, however, you can tell the difference between a reputable brand and an amateur indie.
Folks care about these dudes because they are attractive males who show skin, let this be about overweight Butch Queens and there would not be a peep.
Does Marvin even have his LLC? I don’t know much about him but he seems like he’s about his business and just like everyone said. He shoots naked calenders. Why wouldn’t he ask for nudes? That’s like a Porn company asking a model to send a pic of the Sunday dress and flying saucer church hat knowing ain’t nobody kneeling at no alter.
Is he professional?
Don’t these dudes know he does naked calenders? Just how can he bully them in this situation? Will Trey Songz nudes ever drop?
Only time will tell what these situations will bring.
This is common behavior nowadays. Everyone is a “photographer,” nowadays and the very first thing they want you to do is get naked every time. These people have to think someone will catch on at some point. I agree with the rest of you that said no photographer should ever ask for nudes. Everyone has an ulterior motive and I’m sick of it.
Marvin legit does nude shoots & has a nude calendar so why is it shocking that he wants to see the “product” before he commits.. & Marvin does make stars (social media stars) but hey isn’t that the kind of fame everyone wants now!
Okay, not to be that person, but these are grown men. I’m not about to believe Marvin bullied these grown men into anything. He probably didn’t keep a promise or whatever but let me know something..Did any of these men ask to see or sign a contract prior?
We know how adults get when they desperate for money.
Now …. Let me tell you something. A long time ago, I was a part of this help group. The clients were anonymous and often chimed in to confess their problems… Cheaters and all that.
One disturbing plea for help was an anonymous guy. He said he needed help bad because another man was making him suck his d**k & he wasn’t gay and he’s tired of doing it. The guy owed him money or something, said he pulled a gun on him and made him do it. I can’t remember exactly..what I do remember was that the first time he did it the dude recoreded it and told him that he must suck his d**k whenever he tells him to or else he will release the footage to his families and friends…and all that. The other guy was in shambles apparently.
So men do get taken advantage of too.
I don’t know about this case above. I’m so irrate with these online thots not knowing how to voice their opinion if their is a problem about it.
I believe there is truth and lies on both sides. Neither party is innocent and both have been complicit to a degree of the other’s actions.
a. New models come from all walks of life. Some from small towns and are indeed naïve and trusting. Others from larger cities and are hip to the game but plead innocent if called out. Both however are eager for fame and fortune and many don’t care how they obtain it. Marvin offers a service and we don’t know the details as it’s he say he say yet we do know the results of the many who come thru yet almost none have longevity and move to the next level. You have to ask yourself why that is. If you have so many connections, then why aren’t they moving up and out other than Instagram fame which is fleeting. Yes you can surmise a host of reasons from lack of commitment, lack of industry knowledge, talent etc. but what about those who do put in work? Why not them? Yes there are good and bad photographers…yes most don’t request a nude but I can say from personal experience as a photographer when I placed an ad in various place (ie craigslist, etc.) for artistic and erotic shoots I got full nudes including frontals but I spelled out in the ads what type of shoot I was doing. I’ve had models who I did fitness shoots asked to shoot nudes. Men are fascinated with their own bodies and if they’ve worked out and achieved some success want to show it and want people to appreciate it. The fitness competition for men are mainly attended by other men in the audience. Sponsors for bodybuilding and fitness are normally other older men with money or companies. The general public still don’t believe men can be coerced, manipulated or forced into sex. It goes against masculinity and the power it projects; however, we live in 2019, the manipulation both voluntary and involuntary has gone on for decades with passive and violent results. You asked about R Kelly and Harvey W. well look how long this has gone on. R Kelly was found not guilty and thru the entire scandal his record label still stands by him…money. The same goes for Harvey W…money. As long as money rules, people want getting ahead by any means necessary, men period (can’t tell who is gay, str8, bi etc) posting suggestive,naked photos on Instagram and twitter for likes, illicit actions have gone on in the past and will continue into the future with people’s feelings and lives being damaged the byproduct some willingly while other fall victims. This all in the name of fame. Ask yourself, if you placed an ad saying a model could make 5k for an artistic or nude shoot how many models would do it then say they were coerced? There used to be a company who would fly a model to Canada for an athletic shoot, then once the model got there they would entice the model with more money to shoot a nude or porn shoot. Never forcing but flashing more money in the model’s face. Some of the model’s I shot before did it and told me about. Some regretted others didn’t. Was that wrong? That’s debatable as they weren’t forcing the model but only offering monetary incentives.
The stories about Marvin have taken a life of their own and won’t go away. The old folks used to say where there’s smoke there’s fire. Whispers in the dark bring scandal in the light. Odds are there will be fall out from at least 2-3 models in this calendar project he did sometime this year or early next once the newness and temporary fame have worn off. What will they have gained by doing it? You can”t tell me nobody knew about the bts videos as each model on average is looking into the camera. Everyone knows what promotion is. Somebody is bound to be upset so let’s see what cards are placed on the table then when dreams or promises don’t materialize. What would a Lifetime movie look like if done on Marvin B and the model experiences? Would it be titled “Surviving Marvin B: the real story?
The truth is starting to unravel for Ms Lip Gloss Bienaime huh?
I’m here for it!
** sips strawberry fanta while reading the shitstorm **
Based on the other “whispers” of Ms. Lip Gloss that was reported here on the foxhole, I’m inclined to believe he demands NUDES from models to bully them.
From last year (2018):
I will first start off by saying I don’t know this Marvin. Screenshots of phone convos are proof? ANY can make up a convo with whoever they want. Unless these so called “models” have a phone convo recording or video recording. You’ve done nothing but continue to “report” on these so called allegation without any real evidence.
^when they were reporting on harvey w,
most of the actresses were letters and their word.
kevin spacey was by a letter in a magazine.
when aunt wendy use to gossip back in the radio,
it was word of mouth.
you and everyone else ate it up.
so don’t give me that bs.
I know Marvin personally I knew him prior to him becoming the famous photographer he is today. 1st off he is not gay & does not engage in sexual acts with these models. They all have to sign a contract stating that they are willing to shoot what ever concept it is… 2nd the guy that sent y’all those screen shots from last year hit Marvin up when he was casting for his artist NUDE calendar!!!! *Key word ARTISTIC NUDE!!!! If someone is casting for an artistic nude and you hit them up are you not fully aware of the type of shoot it’s going to be? I also want to add the guy that gave y’all the interview has never shot with Marvin so for him to send y’all these lies is disgusting. As far as the behind the scene how is he posting it with out their knowledge when they have to agree to even do a behind the scene. This isn’t going to end well for the guy accusing him off these things because this is now defamation of character with is punishable by law
^ so i have a question!
now i’m not a photographer or know any,
but is it normal to ask for nudes in various angles?
If you are shooting for an artistic nude yes… that’s the point it’s a lot of photographers the request different things… it’s up to the model to either agree or do!!! Mind you everyone that Marvin shoots is 21 or older and again they have to sign a concent form that they agree..
^thank you for answering my questions ty.
i’ve always been a fan of marvin’s work.
he is by far the best photographer to capture black male’s beauty next to foto119.
these reports were disheartening as i’ve always supported his work within the foxhole.
No legitimate photographer or agency will ask a model to send nudes. PERIOD! Photographs like that are usually highly artistic and require a certain degree of experience on the part of the model to make them work.
Legitimate modeling agencies and photographers will not ask an inexperienced model who likely has a lot to learn about their best angles and how to pose to take risqué photos. What they may ask is for you to take a picture shirtless and in your underwear but these shots will be catalog-looking, soft, somewhat innocent and not overly provocative.
Marvin, is that you?
Sir. There is no professional photographer that requires nudes from 4 angles. By the way… 4 angles? What does that intel? Back shots? Spreaded legs? I’m just curious what you require from your models…
I wonder how many guys, assuming he was gay, played up theur sexuality to get pictures, exposure etc from him?
I’m betting quite a few and after being spurned spread lies. How sad. Thanks for providing the other side.
so i’m going to play devil’s advocate for a second.
no way taking sides but…
whats the difference between the alleged claims these male models have against marvin and the accusers with harvey weinstein and (maybe) r. kelly?
if this is “they knew what was up” then harvey should be still working and r. kelly shouldn’t even be a story (sans the child abuse claims).
Very, Very true, of course we know it’s double standards! Im guilty too though, even though I know it’s a double standard, my mind won’t allow me to except that these big fit men (probably stronger them Marvin) are being taken advantage of, but they in fact can be
^so if this the case,
#metoo is just a lot of noise,
only beneficial for vixens,
or males could never be sexually abused or taken advantage of.
am i wrong?
please someone correct me…
You beat me to the punch. Kelly messing with minors is the issue. If an adult is making the decision to do whatever for some benefits, that’s their damn business and fault.
People love trying to act like something the least bit unethical or unmoral is so outrageous and punishable. Keep it up we’re going to be out here looking like China with a ‘social credit’
Predator? …I don’t buy the argument these male models are victims ….they are willing adult participants …i am, however, incline to believe Marvin is filming these men for his own sexual gratification.
I tried my hand at some modeling back in the day and i came across the same thing. Agent//talent scouts that demanded naked pics/videos via text before any headshot, credentials, etc. i couldn’t bring myself to sending anything to those fat, really creepy dudes so i didn’t. I backed out of that completely cause i figured I’d have to play around to get around. I was very new to this life but i caught that head on…these dudes know what’s up too!
None of these aspiring models are victims
They know the drill and are willing participants
Most of thrm are broke and willing to give their bodies for payments instead
I don’t see Marvin as a predator because he’s not forcing these males
It’s a matter of time before Marvin goes mrNoire3000 with his photography and goes full our porn(which I hated). But he slowly found it was what the people wanted but his stuff isn’t the same. And on twitter Mr.noire “manages” little local pornstars.
These same “ig dudes” (not models) he shoots hit on ig with a good cheek shot, buldge and beard then it gets old.
Btw I’m the one that send a screenshot of Mb liking gay porn on twitter lol.
This reminds me of the white photographer that was shooting for Abercrombie and Fitch and pretty much did the same thing. But it took over a decade for people to talk (they waited after they little modeling careers to spill). Which is such a typical move. There’s one guy he shot that IS DL! And I know for a fact, I won’t get into it because it’s cheap. I’m it certain he messed with MB. But Even tho MB is upfront, at the same time these guys have free will.
Ps. I low key feel like all of this is why him and Donny savage are no longer a couple. OOP.
Yass, some “I should have my butt in bed ’cause I got work in the morning, but the tea is hot” kinda tea…
Hmm, I was just about to side with MB on this UNTIL I read that the bts videos are posted to ig without their prior knowledge. Yeah…I can’t get behind that. MB better watch out before he gets #metoo’d.
*sips tea*
I don’t feel sorry for these dudes at all. My friend is a photographer and he told me a lot of these models gravitate towards these sleazy photographers because they are both cut from the same cloth. He said they willingly mess around with these sleaze balls with the hopes of becoming famous but when the fame never comes they wanna play victim.
^this sounds very “harvey weinstein”.
this is not the era to be a pervert.
I’ma have to agree w/ this; they know wassup, trust.
Definitely! I don’t agree with the actions of these photographers at all, but at the same time these models need to set boundaries. I have a friend who is also a model and he told me a photographer grabbed his dick, yet he continued to work with this man. I told him you’re sending a clear message to this man that what he’s doing is okay and it’s not.
Yeah i dont know. Part of me is like hes a predator and another part of me is like if you dont wanna send the guy nudes dont send him nudes. I mean he tells you what he requires and you have the choice to comply or go elsewhere. The one thing i do have clear underatanding on is the posting of the bts vids without their consent. That is definitely wrong and i dont condone that. But everything else is odd for me. I mean if hes really fooling those guys into thinking they can only get to the top through him then they arent really doing their research.
^ive noticed they are addicted to him.
they’re other pictures don’t look as good as they do with marvin,
but they only get insta fame.
I’ve often said many of these dudes look uncomfortable in their videos. Something’s going on. Don’t know what…but something’s going on.
^i don’t know what to think anymore tbh