it looks like many of our prayers have been answered.
Kanye got Kanye TF outta here.
ig was not having his shit any longer:
Look at this Mark
How you gone kick me off instagram
You used to be my nigga
— ye (@kanyewest) October 8, 2022
he violated black folks and some of us turned the other cheek.
he made the mistake and came for the jewish community.
his hateful messages got him the trap door.
per cnn…
The holiest day in Judaism was last week. Words matter. A threat to Jewish people ended once in a genocide. Your words hurt and incite violence. You are a father. Please stop.
— Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) October 9, 2022
Twitter locked rapper Kanye West’s Twitter account over an antisemitic tweet posted on the account on Saturday.
In the since-removed tweet, West said he was “going death con 3 [sic] On JEWISH PEOPLE,” and also that, “You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda,” without specifying what group he was addressing, according to internet archive records pulled by CNN.
A spokesperson from Twitter confirmed to CNN that the account was locked for violating Twitter’s policies. The tweet has been replaced on the account by a message from the company saying, “This tweet violated the Twitter Rules.”
The spokesperson did not say which policy was violated but instead sent a link to Twitter’s rules, which include guidelines against hateful conduct.
Twitter would not say how long the account would be locked or when the user would be able to tweet again.
i bet this was his face when he couldn’t sign into twitter too:
i’m glad he is outta here for a while.
people around him are saying he is suffering from a mental break.
per ( x page six ):
Insiders are in no doubt that his recent headline-grabbing behavior is the result of a mental break, and they believe it’s the most serious such episode that the rapper has suffered.
Sources close to the star said that his odd behavior began when he fired the publicist for his Paris fashion show last week, scrapped his plans for the show and hastily put together a new show featuring the now-infamous “White Lives Matter” theme. He also booked his jaw-dropping interview with Tucker Carlson against the advice of his team, according to insiders.
Since then he’s been firing consultants and advisers who have disagreed with him or resisted his ideas, sources said, which have widely been regarded as anti-Semitic or racist.
i love that all the kanye supporters towards his foolishness are quiet.
“not a creature was stirring,
not even a mouse.”
I thought slavery was a choice.
I thought we separate the art from the artist.
I thought he is just a deep-level thinker.
I thought they were just trying to hold the black man down.
kanye has been losing his mind as the years go on.
it’s entertaining for many people.
they don’t give af about him.
folks make money off these kinds of shenanigans.
At what point are they gonna put him on some kind of psychiatric hold?
they had britney spears locked up for most of her career.
it’s okay to say kanye is talented but needs to be in a mental hospital.
i made my peace with that during the maga hat era.
article cc: cnn
Koonye kanceled himself!
He trashed Black people and got richer!
He thought he was White
and that it’d be all right
to talk like a fool
and complete anti-Semite!
Now he’ll be lucky to have two nickels to rub together!
Go away, Koonye!
Fuck him period…….that’s it that’s the message.
As someone wise once said (and demonstrated) The more you fuck around , the more you’re gonna find out…
I am —Standing on the side lines “APPLUADING”..[ for his removal and penalization for reckless statements and acts!!]
There are so many wonderful, loving ,talented Artist who are more deserving of our support .
Let’s stop endorsing hate and write people like Kanye off for good!!!
This dude is seriously going to mess around and lose the ability to be around his kids, and when that happens…I fear he might do something drastic. These stunts are a cry for help, and it doesn’t seem as if anyone is coming to his aid (I don’t know if folks close to him are really trying). Folks are supporting him financially buying his shoes, but are his celeb friends reaching out to offer support? I don’t know if he’s taking his taking his meds or not, but he needs to get it together because he is giving Kim so much ammunition if they go to court.
Kanye is responsible for Kanye. It’s no else’s responsibility. It’s Kanyes responsibility to take his meds, it’s his responsibility to seek help when he needs it, and it’s his responsibility to surround himself with a strong support system.
He can’t stand the word no and clearly victimizes himself whenever something doesn’t go his way. He is falling apart which is sad, but I feel nothing for him because he has done this to himself.
Kanye canceled himself in this one. He said way too many things against everybody including his own race and nobody is falling for the banana in the tailpipe excuses anymore. At this point, its time to let Kanye know you done. At first, we treated him like the family member we all know got an issue and we just ignore it because “that’s …”. Now, his mouth is reckless and if we keep allowing him to speak it’s just going to get worst. The man is a musical Genius in the game. His message is off tho. You can’t blame mental break on this because Kanye has been on a mental break for a while now. There is no way he is going mental when Kim is allowing him to Co-Parent and she is single now. He just lost his marbles completely now and the more he is allowed to say negative things, the more it gets worst.