i am so interested in this “grapefruiting” thing.
the werewolf in me has been awakened.
i had so many questions.
you know i did.
How does putting a grapefruit on my wolf’s pipe turn him on?
so i watched an interview with “entertainment weekly” for the full details.
tiffany haddish explained it further…
it gives the impression of a:
a) juicy wet mouth
b) a juicy wet foxhole
…all at the same time.
makes sense.
i feel you shouldn’t do this to randoms tho.
this is something you do #baeonly or a long term fwb.
you don’t want to be out here give a one nighter a soul shaking nut.
if you good at that,
save it for someone who really deserves your sex coma.
just my thoughts.
for more tips on “grapefruiting”:
thanks auntie angel!
lowkey: i love learning new techniques for my future wolf.
i want to be a NASTY MUTHAFUCKA in that bedroom.
i want him TURNED.
having him waiting each time at the bedroom door like this:
Last thing I’m doing is putting any fruit (let alone edibles) near my penis. Love this movie though! I want to watch it again
Yaaaaas! Now you know I love me some kinky ole freaky sex! Auntie Angel has taught me the grapefruit technique WAAAAY BEFORE Girls trip. I want my wolf to look like he’s in a trance while I’m riding him or sucking his dick! Hell yeah!
Words fail me, but that’s certainly thinking out of the box.
She fucked me up when she said “You’re going to suck his dick just like you said you would,” then she commenced to sucking the dildo. Sucking sick and burning fat @ the same time!!! Lol!
I have heard of the grapfruuting thing before I just wasn’t sure if it actually worked . I know of the trick where you drink a hot drink right before you give head, (it supposed to make the mouth really warm and wet ) and the mint truck for giving head.
Anybody else in the foxhole have any tips?
DWRCL……This woman is killing me…….Baby girl all that to get your man excited?
Niggas has been doing that shit for a while now. Seems like the straights just discovered.
She’s good with her head game. As for blind folding , girl y’all late. We’ve been blindfolding your man for years getting them to fuck Niggas, and guess what sweetie, THEY FUCKING LOVE IT !! DWRCL
Woiee…. This is funny!!!
I learned about this before the movie with that very youtube video you posted. A white woman at work showed it to me because she was dying laughing at the slurping noises in the video lol that super gonnorrhea is still a thing so I may have to pass on trying it out.
I learned about this before the movie with that very youtube video you posted. A white woman at work showed it to me because she was dying laughing at the slurping noises in the video
that super gonnorrhea is still a thing so I may have to pass on trying it out.