gay men are always accused of being child huntin’ predators

I have a friend who got their heart broken pretty bad by their last partner.
Come to find out,
they were talking shit about my friend to their new love interest.
The new love interest was a boy who was 16,

she was in her early 30s,
and my friend is a straight male in his late 20s.
We call her “Pedolyte” anytime she is brought up

predators aren’t always what many straights assume.
people often assume the worst because gay males live so sexually free.
many think tht we are these predators who have to turn any and everyone out.

when in actuality,
i’ve seen reports of more straights being child abusers than anything else.
when i see tweets like this

this really rubbed me the wrong way tbh.
it often affirms why i don’t like being around children.
i like to game and when i hear some 12 year old pop up on the mic,
that is always my cue to peace out.
i don’t play games alone with anyone under 18.
i ain’t got shit to talk about with someone under 18 either.
i prefer to game with people in their mid 20s and up.
now if the parents are there,
if not:

as a male,
gay or straight,
you have to be very careful around people’s kids.

there are some very ignorant people who will assume the worse about you,
just because you like and love the same sex

All while ignoring the real straight predators who hunt at schools,
and even in our own families.

we see so many white she-jackals getting caught up fuckin’ students,
priests and their hunger for the young,
and that uncle/cousin that young vixens are “warned” to stay away from.

“Don’t wear skirts around Uncle Pookie.
Matta fact,
don’t be alone with him.”

i had to wonder that even with all this evidence

Why are gay men lumped into this category of being disgusting predators?

…when many of the real predators tend to be our straight counterparts.

lowkey: be very careful when being around kids.
one minute you are the fun guncle and the next,
you’re being accused for something heinous.
some parents will literally coach their children to lie on you.
if the parents ain’t around,
to protect yourself,
don’t be around.

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